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So I guess I don't deal well with injury

I had the back to work blues this morning when I got up, I just wanted to stay in bed! I eventually managed to haul myself up, had a mug of warm water and lemon and got stuck right into Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD. I did levels 1 and 2 back to back and my word was I sweating by the time I'd finished. I felt great for having such a fab workout!

Breakfast was just a quick Blueberry Vanilla Green Monster made with frozen blueberries, vanilla whey, vanilla rice milk and a load of spinach.

My morning at work was pretty run of the mill. I have loads on at the moment so I'm going to lock myself away in one of meeting rooms tomorrow so I can tackle my never ending to do list!

Lunch was a bowl of Pea, Brocolli and Mint Soup followed by a big bunch of red grapes.

I really appreciated this lovely bowl of warm soup on such a rainy day!

I had a meeting not far from my flat late afternoon so I headed home and had my mid afternoon snack of red pepper hummus with carrot and cucumber before walking up to the meeting.

Dinner was a repeat of last night - griddled halloumi cheese, courgette, red pepper and red onion with a sprinkling of mint.

I didn't mind eating this two nights in a row - just so tasty!

Desert was a bowl of Rachels Organic Black Cherry Yoghurt with frozen raspberries.

I don't usually buy yoghurts with the fruit already in them as they can have too much added sugar but as this was on special offer I decided to treat myself!

Drinks - water, green tea, decaf tea, decaf coffee

Knee Injury Update - I've been having a major stress about the problems I'm having with my knee. It's not hurting as much but I still have a dull ache, which I guess is better than the acute pain I had on Saturday. I've been doing a lot of reading on the internet about causes and treatment. I'm now unsure if its Runners Knee (Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome) or an Iliotibial Band problem (I think they are related) as I have some pain when walking downstairs, shooting pains up my thigh etc. I've looked at quite few websites and my recovery plan is as follows -

Continue to ice
Continue to take ibuprofen
Do strengthening exercises -
Do stretches -
I'm hoping that by doing this I will see an improvement by the weekend. I really want to be able to do a good run on Saturday! I have ordered a knee support so I am going to give that ago, as well as avoiding running any hills as this can make the condition worse.

Have you ever been injured and if so how did you deal with it? I have a terrible habit of envisioning the worst case scenario so I'm stressing thinking that I won't be able to train for my half marathon and that my fitness is going to be totally reduced. I know that theres other exercise I can do to keep fit but if I end up being laid off running for a month or more I don't think I'll be able to achieve the time I was hoping for at the Great North Run. I feel all down in the dumps now, I really need to start and think positive - I'm a great believer in the power of positive mental attitude. Please send me good vibes! x


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