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Unplanned shopping

Hi everyone, hope your Monday has been good so far!

Last night me and the hubby went to see a blues guitarist over in Newcastle. It turned out to be a fantastic gig, the venue was very small and had a great atmosphere. I was pretty tired this morning after my late night though, plus the fact that I’d only ate a small banana for my dinner I was not only tired but starving!

I decided that coffee was in order. I made a cup of cinnamon and hazelnut coffee with kara coconut milk which was utterly delicious. I also had a large bowl of Dorset Cereal Tasty Flakes with 2 small chopped plums and kara coconut milk.


I don’t know why I didn’t look for this before, but I noticed a website address on the pack of coffee as I was putting it in the bin. Square Orange Foods sell a great range of Beanies flavoured coffees. I do like what I ordered from Jacc’s but it didn’t taste as good as the Beanies which I had originally bought from TK Maxx. I think I'm going to order some more of the Beanies and see what its like.

Mid morning I snacked on a small chopped carrot with almond butter.


I had a few meetings in the morning, one of which finished earlier than expected. I thought I would have a quick look in Tesco before my next meeting and I ended up spending £30 just like that (why does that always happen?)

I did get these cheapo funky boots:


Not too bad for £20, I know they’ll probably only last this season but I love a good wedge heel and I have loads of trousers I can wear these with. I also bought magazines – Elle and Living Etc for Christmas decorating porn. Getting so excited for Christmas now!

I was starving by the time I managed to get my lunch so I went and bought a few additional apples to help fill me up. I had some Courgette and Watercress Soup, 2 seeded crackers, 2 satsumas and 2 small russet apples.


I ended up eating another 2 small russets, I was famished! Before heading to the gym I also ate one of my pumpkin spice cake bars.

I’m glad I ate those extra apples as I doubt I would have had the energy to get through my workout. I did 15 minutes of HIITs on the cross trainer and step machine then did my abs and core exercises before heading into another awesome 30 minute spin class.

For dinner I had a home made bean burger served on a grilled flat mushroom with swede ‘chips’, sautéed cabbage greens and ketchup.

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Those swede chips were really tasty, I can’t decide which I prefer, these or parsnip chips, yum!  Desert was Chocolate Peanut Butter Swirl Spiru-tein Protein Ice cream made with kara coconut milk, ice cubes, xanthan and guar gums topped with some raw cacao nibs.


So filling and creamy!

Big thanks to all of you that have signed up for Secret Santa. Hopefully I will be emailing you all later tonight or tomorrow with who you will be buying for. I think we are all going to have a lot of fun and get some lovely little gifts!

I love my new boots but I’m a bit annoyed that I ended up spending so much completely unplanned and on a whim. Do you ever end up spending by ‘accident’? Are your impulse buys successful?


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