Mini Fashion Show
My word I feel like I have not stopped today, just been so busy at work! At least it makes the time fly by.
As I had an evening meeting to attend I decided to head to the gym this morning. I did 30 minutes of HIITs on the cross trainer, step machine and bike and 2 sets of my abs exercises finishing off with a plank that nearly killed me. I rushed home and made myself this delicious Chocolate Cherry Green Monster (frozen cherries, spinach, chocolate whey, soy milk) in a bowl and topped with two tablespoons of Dorsets Cereals Berries and Cherries Muesli.
Loved this, will so be using muesli for topping my smoothies more often! Lots of crunch and chew! Lunch was a bowl of Lentil and Spinach Soup followed by some strawberries.
I had more work meetings in the afternoon. As soon as I was finished I snacked on an apple and two babybel light.
I had a break between meetings so headed to Tesco for a quick mid week shop. Wish I could have headed to Lidl for some bargains but didn't have the time! I had my evening meeting and was so glad to get home and chill. I made myself one of my homemade Bean and Salsa Burgers out of the freezer with a big mixed salad including spinach, mixed leaves, red onion, carrot and cucumber and a blog of ketchup on the side.
For desert I decided that I quite fancied a 3 Minute Oatmeal and Raisin Cookie. I topped it with cashew butter and had a chopped apple on the side.
Warm cookie and melty cashew butter -so good!
I have a few outfit pics for you now! I received my ebay bargain vintage top in the post and I am over the moon with it. Its really good quality and has a lovely loose fit and none of the yucky smell some second hand clothes come with.
I loved the little label - 'Sing and Smile'. I tried it on with these topshop high waisted trousers. What do you think? (Please excuse the shiny fore head I'd just got in from work!)
I also had a dressy up session trying to decide what to wear for my cousins engagement party on Saturday evening. Usually I would have gone out and bought a brand new dress but due to my Budget Challenge I knew I needed to wear something I already own. I think I'm going to go for this purple silky shift dress and my fab sky high heels from Dune.
What do you think?
Huge big thank you to everyone who commented on yesterdays post, I'm even more excited about next weeks trip after hearing about some of the fab places I can go! I don't think I'll be able to visit them all but I'm going to damn well try!
Right I'm off to watch Gok Wan - what do you make of 'How to look good naked?' He's doing a guy tonight which should be interesting! Hope your all having a good week x
As I had an evening meeting to attend I decided to head to the gym this morning. I did 30 minutes of HIITs on the cross trainer, step machine and bike and 2 sets of my abs exercises finishing off with a plank that nearly killed me. I rushed home and made myself this delicious Chocolate Cherry Green Monster (frozen cherries, spinach, chocolate whey, soy milk) in a bowl and topped with two tablespoons of Dorsets Cereals Berries and Cherries Muesli.
Loved this, will so be using muesli for topping my smoothies more often! Lots of crunch and chew! Lunch was a bowl of Lentil and Spinach Soup followed by some strawberries.
I had more work meetings in the afternoon. As soon as I was finished I snacked on an apple and two babybel light.
I had a break between meetings so headed to Tesco for a quick mid week shop. Wish I could have headed to Lidl for some bargains but didn't have the time! I had my evening meeting and was so glad to get home and chill. I made myself one of my homemade Bean and Salsa Burgers out of the freezer with a big mixed salad including spinach, mixed leaves, red onion, carrot and cucumber and a blog of ketchup on the side.
For desert I decided that I quite fancied a 3 Minute Oatmeal and Raisin Cookie. I topped it with cashew butter and had a chopped apple on the side.
Warm cookie and melty cashew butter -so good!
I have a few outfit pics for you now! I received my ebay bargain vintage top in the post and I am over the moon with it. Its really good quality and has a lovely loose fit and none of the yucky smell some second hand clothes come with.
I loved the little label - 'Sing and Smile'. I tried it on with these topshop high waisted trousers. What do you think? (Please excuse the shiny fore head I'd just got in from work!)
I also had a dressy up session trying to decide what to wear for my cousins engagement party on Saturday evening. Usually I would have gone out and bought a brand new dress but due to my Budget Challenge I knew I needed to wear something I already own. I think I'm going to go for this purple silky shift dress and my fab sky high heels from Dune.
What do you think?
Huge big thank you to everyone who commented on yesterdays post, I'm even more excited about next weeks trip after hearing about some of the fab places I can go! I don't think I'll be able to visit them all but I'm going to damn well try!
Right I'm off to watch Gok Wan - what do you make of 'How to look good naked?' He's doing a guy tonight which should be interesting! Hope your all having a good week x
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