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Using the library

Happy Thursday everyone! My word this has been a tough week. I’m especially looking forward to the weekend! My day started with 45 minutes of strength from my Davina DVD as usual.

I then made a super tasty breakfast: Peach Cream Pie Porridge! I made up some porridge using 1/2 cup of my Rude Health fruity date porridge mixed with 1 cup of water and half a tablespoon of chia seeds (for healthy fats). When it was cooked I added a scoop of vanilla whey and some chopped peach. I added the rest of the peach on top along with a big spoonful of Total Full Fat Greek Yoghurt.


So good!

Lunch was leftover green lentil salad from last night to which I added some red pepper and basil salad dressing.


This was so much tastier than last night, I think it just needed that extra flavour from the salad dressing to make it work. This was so satisfying and filling!

I also had a sliced kiwi, an orange and a pink lady apple.


Mid afternoon I snacked on a pot of Total 0% fat Greek Yoghurt with honey and lots of flaked almonds.


I also had another unpictured pink lady apple.

I had a late night meeting so before I left the office I had a bowl of kale, broccoli and cauliflower soup to hold me over.


When I got home I had three wholegrain rice cakes with hazelnut butter and raisins. I ended up going back for another two and I’m still hungry so I think I might have a bowl of granola with a little soy milk to try and satisfy my snackies.


Today has been one of those crazy days but I did find time to call into the Library which is just down the street from where I work. I really should have been making more use of it! I took out these three books:


Home Made: Tana Ramsey

Gastronomy Economy: Allegra McEvedy & Paul Merrett

The Food Doctor: Super Eating: Ian Marber

I’m thinking the Gastronomy Economy should be excellent reading for my Big Budget Challenge. I’ll let you know what I think of these when I have read them. Do you use your local library? I think I’ll be making much better use of mine in future to save money on buying books all the time!

Before I leave you for the evening the lovely Anne has tagged me to answer a few questions!

1. If you could have any superpower, what would you have? Why?

Teleportation – then I could go wherever in the world I wanted in an instant. Shopping in New York, Dinner in Tokyo, yes please!

2. Who is your style icon?

At the moment I really love Zooey Deschanel’s style, its kind of vintage / retro and very girly! I also like Jessica Biel’s and Alexa Chung’s style too.

3. What is your favourite quote?

Pain is inevitable suffering is optional’ I saw this on a blog somewhere and it really stuck with me. I think its taken from some Buddhist teachings. Basically bad things are going to happen but its within your control how you allow them to impact on you.

4. What is the best compliment you’ve ever received?

That I’m kind hearted :-)

5. What playlist/cd is in your CD player/iPod right now?

Madonna’s Greatest Hits – Celebration double CD, love singing along to those tunes!

6. Are you a night owl or a morning person?

I’m totally a morning person, I’m in bed by 10pm most nights!

7. Do you prefer dogs or cats?

Dogs, I would love a little dog but we wouldn’t have enough time to properly care for one.

8. What is the meaning behind your blog name?

I wanted something that would communicate what the blog is about –  my journey to maintain my weight and my love of fashion and interior design. I think Keeping Slim and Getting Stylish does it!

Well I’m off to read cookbooks in bed! Night all xxx 



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