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Good thing / Bad thing

Last night after I posted I did a good thing and a bad thing. Good thing = Yoga for Runners, bad thing = two more bowls (they were little bowls!) of muesli. I was just ravenous! I'm not going to beat myself up about it though, as I haven't been too bad with the snackies recently and this is the week before my TOTM when I usually do get snacky. I just wish I could manage the snackies a bit better when I get them, but for some reason all rationale just goes out the window. I should have just opened a bag of granola nibbles and had them and then at least I would know that I hadn't gone over 100 cals.

The yoga was brilliant. I found it a little hard to follow at first but then I got into the swing of it and found it really enjoyable. I even worked up a bit of a sweat! I can see me doing this a lot more often. Check out Yoga Download or I think you can download some sessions straight via iTunes for free, they are really good if yoga is something you could like to try out.

This morning I woke up to horrible rain! It is June isn't it? I made myself a big bowl of chia seed porridge (jumbo porridge oats, 1/2 tablespoon of chia seeds and water microwaved) with chopped strawberries and a tablespoon of almond butter. I mixed a load of the strawberries and almond butter right in with the porridge and then used the rest on top.

Very yummy!

Mid morning I had a vanilla protein shake. This held me over nicely to lunch time. When I made the turkey for dinner last night I fried off an extra steak and chopped it up for use in todays salad. Salad includes turkey, cos lettuce, alfalta sprouts, cucumber and carrot sticks. I served it with another big serving of hummus.

I followed my salad with an apple.

Before I left work for the gym I had a bag of Bear Fruit Nibbles that I had picked up at Waitrose at the weekend. These were pineapple and mango.

I loved these nibbles - just dried chunks of sweet mango and pineapple, perfect gym fuel! My gym workout was hard work. I dropped back to just doing 1:1 intervals at my usual resistance levels to try not to over strain my knees. I even tried a short run! I started by walking on the treadmill for 3 minutes to warm up before jogging and then running at a slow pace for the rest of the 15 minutes. I covered a little over a mile and my knee did really well. I could feel a twinge, but not pain like I had before. I then did 15 mins on the step machine, cross trainer and bike doing 1 minute medium to 1 minute medium hard intervals. I finished off with a 10 minute cool down on the recumbent bike and then did 3 sets of my usual abs exercises and a good bit of stretching. I still iced my knee afterwards to be safe but my legs are feeling so much stronger :-)

We had to have a quick pop to the shops for the hubby to pick up a couple of t shirts for our holiday so by the time I got home I was starving! For dinner I fried off a home made bean burger I had made a few weeks ago and frozen. I had needed to use up some of my home made salsa before it went bad so I thought I would make up a quick bean burger with it. Heres the recipe:

Quick and Easy Kidney Bean and Salsa Bean Burgers

1 tin of Kidney Beans rinsed
1/2 cup of my home made salsa (or shop bought salsa)
2 - 3 tablespoons of spelt flour
Hot chilli powder to taste (I use about 1/2 teaspoon)

Blend the beans and salsa with the chilli powder in a food processor to desired consistancy. I used the pulse function so that it didn't get too smooth, I like a bit of texture in there! Then add the flour a little at a time until the mixture becomes less sticky and a firmer texture. Shape into two large patties and either freeze for later or fry on a medium high heat or bake in the oven on a medium high heat until lightly browned.

I defrosted one of mine and then fried on each side for 5 minutes and served with steamed brocolli, cauliflower, sugar snap peas and some left over alfalta sprouts, plus some ketchup.

This didn't touch the sides! For desert I made a little bowl of mint chocolate protein goo (scoop of chocolate whey, kara coconut milk, natural peppermint flavouring)

And as I was still hungry I had an orange and two plums.

Drinks - water, green tea, lemon and ginger tea, decaf coffee, decaf tea

I don't know what it is but I'm feeling really disorganised at the moment, it just doesn't feel like theres enough hours in the day! I'm looking forward to the weekend when I hope to have a bit more time to get myself sorted. I think its the holiday coming up, I always worry that I'm going to forget something important! Hope all your weeks are going well, at least we are now over half way through. I just hope this horrible weather improves! x


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