I've been feeling a little bit of a minor cold threatening to take over my head the last couple of days so I stuck a couple of lemons in the trolley during my shop on Sunday, as hot lemon and honey is my saviour whenever I feel a cold coming on. I'm really glad I did as when I got up this morning there was some definite cold symptoms lurking, theres nothing better than some warm water and lemon juice first thing in the morning to help clear your head!
I then did my Davina Superbody Super Sculpt section DVD workout. It felt so good to be doing a new routine after doing the same one twice a week for a month. I really enjoyed doing this and even went and used my big weights for one section to add some extra burn!
For breakfast I mixed together a scoop of vanilla whey with some natural yoghurt and then added the last of my rhubarb compote, some jumbo oats, grape nuts and a spoonful of almond butter. It was delicious.
I'm going to really miss that rhubard, going to ask my Uncle for some more!
I felt much more energised at work today. I had my supervision session with my manager and we discussed how I've been having difficulty focusing and have been generally feeling a bit 'off' the last month. I'm very lucky to have an amazing boss, she's very understanding, into personal development and is even a trained Reiki Master. I felt so much better after speaking to her, she's even going to look into getting some personal coaching to help me. All benefits of working in the voluntary sector I think!
Lunch was a bowl of Courgette and Watercress soup - just so tasty!
Followed by 2 chopped kiwi and some grapes.
Mid afternoon I snacked on some carrot and cucumber with houmous.
For dinner I decided to try out a recipe I'd seen on this blog, Quinoa and Bean Stuffed Peppers with Feta. I cooked the quinoa in some vegetable stock and then mixed with some kidney beans and some feta then stuffed two halves of a red pepper with the mixture. I then baked it in the oven for 20 mins at 200. I served mine with some mixed salad leaves, red onion and beetroot.
This was really tasty, will definitely be making this again!
Desert was a nice and easy bowl of frozen raspberries, plus a couple of chopped peaches that needed using up with hazelnut and almond rice milk.
Drinks - water, green tea, decaf tea, decaf coffee
While I was having my supervision session with my manager we also touched on how I was feeling generally. She was concerned that I'm putting myself under a lot of pressure to keep the weight off and that I could be displaying some obsessive tendancies. I know that I am a very 'goal' orientated person and that one of the down sides of this is that I can become obsessive if I don't keep myself in check. I know that some people could even argue that writing this blog everyday and photographing my food is rather obsessive, but I feel this blog is good for me in so many ways, including helping me to achieve my goals, giving me a creative outlet and sharing my interests with other like minded people. I don't think I'm obsessive at the moment but I know I need to keep an eye on any 'unhealthy' behaviour. Has anyone ever suggested that your interest in health and fitness is obsessive? If so how did you handle it?
Just another quick reminder to check out my GIVEAWAY post for the chance to win some nakd bars and pampering treats!
Hope your all having a good week, this bank holiday Monday off is great but it always leaves me with my days mixed up for the rest of the week! See you tomorrow x
I then did my Davina Superbody Super Sculpt section DVD workout. It felt so good to be doing a new routine after doing the same one twice a week for a month. I really enjoyed doing this and even went and used my big weights for one section to add some extra burn!
For breakfast I mixed together a scoop of vanilla whey with some natural yoghurt and then added the last of my rhubarb compote, some jumbo oats, grape nuts and a spoonful of almond butter. It was delicious.
I'm going to really miss that rhubard, going to ask my Uncle for some more!
I felt much more energised at work today. I had my supervision session with my manager and we discussed how I've been having difficulty focusing and have been generally feeling a bit 'off' the last month. I'm very lucky to have an amazing boss, she's very understanding, into personal development and is even a trained Reiki Master. I felt so much better after speaking to her, she's even going to look into getting some personal coaching to help me. All benefits of working in the voluntary sector I think!
Lunch was a bowl of Courgette and Watercress soup - just so tasty!
Followed by 2 chopped kiwi and some grapes.
Mid afternoon I snacked on some carrot and cucumber with houmous.
For dinner I decided to try out a recipe I'd seen on this blog, Quinoa and Bean Stuffed Peppers with Feta. I cooked the quinoa in some vegetable stock and then mixed with some kidney beans and some feta then stuffed two halves of a red pepper with the mixture. I then baked it in the oven for 20 mins at 200. I served mine with some mixed salad leaves, red onion and beetroot.
This was really tasty, will definitely be making this again!
Desert was a nice and easy bowl of frozen raspberries, plus a couple of chopped peaches that needed using up with hazelnut and almond rice milk.
Drinks - water, green tea, decaf tea, decaf coffee
While I was having my supervision session with my manager we also touched on how I was feeling generally. She was concerned that I'm putting myself under a lot of pressure to keep the weight off and that I could be displaying some obsessive tendancies. I know that I am a very 'goal' orientated person and that one of the down sides of this is that I can become obsessive if I don't keep myself in check. I know that some people could even argue that writing this blog everyday and photographing my food is rather obsessive, but I feel this blog is good for me in so many ways, including helping me to achieve my goals, giving me a creative outlet and sharing my interests with other like minded people. I don't think I'm obsessive at the moment but I know I need to keep an eye on any 'unhealthy' behaviour. Has anyone ever suggested that your interest in health and fitness is obsessive? If so how did you handle it?
Just another quick reminder to check out my GIVEAWAY post for the chance to win some nakd bars and pampering treats!
Hope your all having a good week, this bank holiday Monday off is great but it always leaves me with my days mixed up for the rest of the week! See you tomorrow x
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