jual kayu murah menerima order bahan

Salad day

When I woke up this morning all I could think about was eating my lovely breakfast of a green monster with a slice of my date, carrot and walnut loaf cake. I made up a standard green monster with loads of spinach, frozen banana, hazelnut and almond rice milk and a teaspoon of maca then decided to add some frozen mixed berries which turned it this awful colour. Never mind, it still tasted yummy! I added a thick layer of cashew butter to the loaf cake as well.

Mid morning I snacked on some carrot and cucumber with hummus. I just can't get enough of hummus at the moment, I'll probably be eating it again next week too!

For lunch I had what can only be described as a Salad Beast (lending that term from the Fitnessista!). It contained left overs from last nights dinner - feta, quinoa, kidney beans, chopped red pepper, beetroot, cucumber, red onion, mixed salad leaves and spinach.

I this was mega filling but so delicious I still ate the lot! I also had an apple.

Before I left work for the gym I had a mug of Earl Grey tea with a splash of milk for something a bit different and one of my home made fuel bars

I had a great session at the gym today, I did my usual intervals on the treadmill, step machine, cross trainer and bike for 15 mins each but I started to increase the time in my hard interval by an extra 10 seconds. I even blasted off two full minutes at 7.2 mph at the end of my session on the treadmill. I also did 3 sets of my abs exercises, the v ups nearly killed me but I managed them!

Dinner was another salad beast (I had a big bag of mixed salad leaves to use up as well as numerous veggies) I started by stir frying a sliced chicken breast in minced garlic and tomato puree then added some balsamic vingear to the pan and allowed it to reduce and coat the chicken in a lovely sweet sticky sauce. I then served it on some mixed salad leaves, spinach, cucumber, grated carrot, red onion and red pepper.

For desert I just had to make up another protein cake as I've been craving another one of these all week! I added a couple of drops of natural orange flavouring to it as well, totally lush!

Drinks - water, green tea, decaf tea, decaf coffee, Earl Grey

After those salads and all those raw veggies my body should be brimming with vitamins and antioxidants!

I was very excited this evening as me and the hubby took a trip to Argos to pick up a few bits and pieces we've been thinking of buying for a while. The hubby has been getting more into his health and fitness recently (yey!) and wanted to buy a rowing machine. He has very bad knees so can't run and we don't have the space to store a bike, so a rowing machine seemed like a good option. We found a fold away rowing machine which also doubles up as a gym and thought that could be ideal, plus I can use it too! I also got my wish with a new wooden kitchen trolley! We don't have loads of storage in our kitchen and this trolley will go nicely under one of our work tops to give us more space, I can't wait to sort all of my cupboards out now! We also picked up a new crockery set as all of our plates and bowls are chipped and starting to crack, plus a new iron. Luckily we have some spare cash in our joint account and decided that we would get these things with some money we've saved up. I'll post some pics once we have stuff set up, I'm just so excited for my kitchen trolley and new plates and bowls!

Thanks for all the comments to the GIVEAWAY post (don't forget you can still enter!), so many wonderful beauty tips, I'll definitely be making use of them! Its also been lovely to hear from some readers who haven't commented before too.

Well I'm off to go and play with my new toys! I also recieved a new cook book in the post that I'm dying to have a flick through. I'll report back tomorrow! Hope your all having a good one x


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