Getting ready for our mini break
Good evening blog friends, I'm very glad Monday is almost done!
When I got up I had my now usual mug of warm water with lemon juice to get me going. My breakfast was a wonderful smoothie - fresh pineapple, frozen blueberries, oats, natural yoghurt and some water to help it blend.
Plus a few chunks of pineapple on the side. This was lovely - I love the blueberry and pineapple combo. If I hadn't been having the oats and yoghurt with it I would have added some fresh ginger - it really makes it zingy!
Mid morning I snacked on an apple and two babybel light.
Lunch was a bowl of African Inspired Sweet Potato Soup followed by 2 chopped kiwi and an orange.
Before leaving work for the gym I fueled up with one of my home made fuel bars - so delicious and chewy.
I had an awesome workout at the gym, for some reason I had plenty of energy and I didn't feel like I was going to have a heart attack on the treadmill like I usually do! I did 15 mins on the treadmill, cross trainer, step machine and bike doing my extended tougher intervals and I increased my top speed on the treadmill to 7.4mph. I then finished off with my abs exercises including the plank. I need to try and remember to wear my sports watch so I can time myself - its a bit more motivational when you can see if your improving!
Dinner was a stir fried turkey breast with garlic served with steamed brocolli, carrot and peas and a big dollop of hummus on the side.
The hummus went really well with the turkey and veggies, I definitely have a hummus addiction problem!
Desert was a vanilla protein cake (1 egg white, 2 tablespoons of apple sauce, 1 scoop of whey powder, 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder, microwaved for 2 mins on high) topped with some almond butter and strawberry jam.
This was so tasty, the almond butter melted on the hot cake. These make a perfect little desert!
Drinks - water, green tea, decaf coffee, decaf tea
Well I need to go and get myself sorted for our trip to Birmingham to see Eric Clapton and Steve Winwood tomorrow. As I'm down there I'll be MIA from the blog world until Wednesday but hopefully I'll have some interesting stuff to report back on! Although we won't be down there for very long its going to be like having a little mini break from things. Sometimes a change of scenery does you good, even if its just for a day. I'm doing the driving down there as well (its about a 4 hour trip) and my Dads a total back seat driver so that should make for an interesting journey! I'm going to pack some healthy snacks to take down, I don't mind those M&S food service stations but the other ones never seem to have any decent food at all. I'm really looking forward to having a nose about the Bullring and having a good look in Selfridges (I love their foody bit!) Luckily I know Birmningham fairly well as me and the hubby have been down there several times in the last couple of years while he was studying on his IT course so I would go and partake in my favorite pastime (err, shopping!) while he was on the course.
So this is me saying bye for a couple of days, hope all of your weeks have got off to a good start! x
When I got up I had my now usual mug of warm water with lemon juice to get me going. My breakfast was a wonderful smoothie - fresh pineapple, frozen blueberries, oats, natural yoghurt and some water to help it blend.
Plus a few chunks of pineapple on the side. This was lovely - I love the blueberry and pineapple combo. If I hadn't been having the oats and yoghurt with it I would have added some fresh ginger - it really makes it zingy!
Mid morning I snacked on an apple and two babybel light.
Lunch was a bowl of African Inspired Sweet Potato Soup followed by 2 chopped kiwi and an orange.
Before leaving work for the gym I fueled up with one of my home made fuel bars - so delicious and chewy.
I had an awesome workout at the gym, for some reason I had plenty of energy and I didn't feel like I was going to have a heart attack on the treadmill like I usually do! I did 15 mins on the treadmill, cross trainer, step machine and bike doing my extended tougher intervals and I increased my top speed on the treadmill to 7.4mph. I then finished off with my abs exercises including the plank. I need to try and remember to wear my sports watch so I can time myself - its a bit more motivational when you can see if your improving!
Dinner was a stir fried turkey breast with garlic served with steamed brocolli, carrot and peas and a big dollop of hummus on the side.
The hummus went really well with the turkey and veggies, I definitely have a hummus addiction problem!
Desert was a vanilla protein cake (1 egg white, 2 tablespoons of apple sauce, 1 scoop of whey powder, 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder, microwaved for 2 mins on high) topped with some almond butter and strawberry jam.
This was so tasty, the almond butter melted on the hot cake. These make a perfect little desert!
Drinks - water, green tea, decaf coffee, decaf tea
Well I need to go and get myself sorted for our trip to Birmingham to see Eric Clapton and Steve Winwood tomorrow. As I'm down there I'll be MIA from the blog world until Wednesday but hopefully I'll have some interesting stuff to report back on! Although we won't be down there for very long its going to be like having a little mini break from things. Sometimes a change of scenery does you good, even if its just for a day. I'm doing the driving down there as well (its about a 4 hour trip) and my Dads a total back seat driver so that should make for an interesting journey! I'm going to pack some healthy snacks to take down, I don't mind those M&S food service stations but the other ones never seem to have any decent food at all. I'm really looking forward to having a nose about the Bullring and having a good look in Selfridges (I love their foody bit!) Luckily I know Birmningham fairly well as me and the hubby have been down there several times in the last couple of years while he was studying on his IT course so I would go and partake in my favorite pastime (err, shopping!) while he was on the course.
So this is me saying bye for a couple of days, hope all of your weeks have got off to a good start! x
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