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So many things to tell you all about!

Wow, this is going to be a packed post tonight, I feel like I have loads of stuff to tell you about, but first things first...

Started the day off with Davina and my DVD strength workout, I just stuck to my usual 'medium' sized dumbbells today as I realised that I have scheduled two strength workouts on consecutive days since changing up my training plan (I have a strength based gym workout planned for tomorrow morning). I didn't want to really work any muscles extra hard - rather save that for tomorrow!

Breakfast was a bowl of natural yoghurt mixed with a scoop of vanilla whey, topped with two chopped peaches, a teaspoon of ground flax and some home mixed muesli. All served in one of my new bowls!

I decided to get these quite plain bowls so that they wouldn't clash with the few plain white plates and bowls we are keeping, plus these were the only set in stock that came with lovely deep bowls like this. I don't know what it is but I find deep bowls so comforting! I also had a mug of Tea Pigs Mao Feng Green Tea.

Lunch was a bowl of Potato, Sweet Potato and Leek soup which I'd defrosted from my frozen stash, followed by a big bunch of red grapes.

Mid afternoon I snacked on more hummus with carrots and cucumber for dipping. No pic or you'll all be sick of the sight of them!

I stayed back at work to get a few things finished up then headed for a mid week grocery shop were I picked up Junes edition of Health and Fitness Magazine. Guess who's reader of the month!

I'm still kind of in shock! I get a lovely pressie as well - some beauty products! My favorite things after food ;-)

Dinner was an extra special salad. I had been inspired after seeing this recipe on Liberty London Girls blog, so much so that I bought the whole cookbook from which she'd taken the recipe! More on that in a mo, but first heres the recipe.

Laura's Superfood Salad -

Two tablespoons of lentil and bean sprouted beans
Steamed brocolli (I used about a third of a large head of brocolli)
A handful of spinach
Half a red onion chopped
Feta Cheese
3 tablespoons of cooked quinoa
Quarter of a cucumber chopped
Mint leaves
Juice of half a lemon
Half a tablespoon of pumpkin and sunflower seeds

Mix together the sprouted beans, steamed brocolli, spinach, red onion, cucumber and quinoa and crumble over the feta cheese. Chop a few mint leaves and sprinkle over followed by the seeds and then the lemon juice. Enjoy!

This was amazing, so many flavours and textures and so so good for you!

Desert was some chia seed pudding made with hazelnut and almond rice milk and a chopped apple.

Drinks - water, green tea, decaf tea, decaf coffee

Heres a pic of my fab new kitchen trolley!

I am way to excited about this, but I now have a place to store all 'my stuff' including my giant tubs of protein powder -

Tea collection -

Superfoods and rice milk -

Spice drawer -

Cook books and Wine! -

Nuts, seeds and dried fruit stash -

Goodie drawer! -

This has freed up a lot of room in my cupboards so no more having to pull everything out to get to the stuff at the back, or having to stand on a stool to get to my nuts and seeds from the top shelf, just wonderful!

I also spent some time last night having a flick through my new cookbook - Leon - Ingredients and Recipes. Leon is a London based restuarant chain that specialises in healthy fast food. I was inspired by the recipe above and then after looking at their website and their menu I knew I wanted to get the cookbook!

The book is wonderful! I love the way its designed to be bright and colourful, every page is like a work of art. The book is split into two sections - Ingredients, which looks at different foods, superfoods, what to buy in season, what to look out for when buying etc, and Recipes, which has a large selection of recipes for everything from breakfasts, smoothie ideas to cocktails!

I know I'll be using this book for loads of inspiration in the coming weeks, and of course I'll be posting all the details!

Wow, this has been a bit of a super post! Hope you get the chance to read the little piece in Health and Fitness, I'm still dead chuffed about it, never thought I'd ever be in a magazine! Don't forget that theres only one day left to enter my GIVEAWAY of nakd bars and pampering goodies. Don't forget to look at the rest of the comments which have loads of really brilliant beauty tips!

Only one day left till the weekend! I'm so looking forward to it. Well I'm off to pick the Hubby up from work. Hope you are all having a good one! x


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