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Feeling better!

Thankfully I felt loads better this morning after yesterdays sickness, although still a little headachey. I slept from 7.45pm to 4.45am and it was the best nights sleep I've had in ages! For breakfast I had a big bowl of Dorset Cereals Berries and Cherries Muesli bulked out with some jumbo oats, chopped strawberries and kara coconut milk.

My apetite had definitely returned!

I was back at work today so I spent most of the morning catching up on what I'd missed yesterday! Mid morning I snacked on a chopped apple with some almond butter for dipping.

Its been ages since I've had apple with nut butter, it made the perfect filling snack!

Lunch was what I did have planned for yesterday - half a gala melon followed by a bean and salsa salad with cos lettuce.

I couldn't be bothered to chop the melon so I just ate it with a spoon! I ate the melon first as I read that its better for your digestion to eat fruit before other foods as they digest quicker, and since my tummy wasn't yet 100% I thought I would give this ago.

As promised, heres the recipe for the home made salsa.

Home made Salsa

1/4 cucumber
2 vine tomatoes
2 red onions
2 gloves of garlic (or 1 teaspoon of lazy garlic)
1 red chilli (or 1 teaspoon of lazy chilli)
1 lemon
2 tablespoons of red wine vinegar

Finely chop the cucumber, tomatoes and red onion. Add the juice of the lemon and the red wine vinegar followed by the garlic and chilli and mix well. Serve chilled.

You could make this more interesting by adding some chopped mango or fresh herbs to the mix or for more tomato flavour some tomato puree. I use the tubes of lazy garlic, chilli and ginger as they are just less wasteful for me and they still taste very nice. I do still buy the fresh stuff, especially ginger, if I know I'll be able to use it up before it goes off.

I popped to the shops before one of my meetings to stock up on some fresh bits and pieces, I also managed to pick up some more of that Kara Coconut milk I'm loving so much at the moment!

Just before leaving work I snacked on one of my home made fuel bars.

I had been planning an outdoor run today of about 6 miles but as it was chucking it down and because I didn't want to push myself too hard I decided to try a treadmill run at the gym. Just before I left the house I quickly snacked on 3 dates for a little more fuel.

I did 5 miles in 46.56 and it nearly killed me! Heres my spilts:

Mile 1: (warm up) 10.00
Mile 2: 9.09
Mile 3: 8.50
Mile 4: 9.06
Mile 5: (cool down) 9.59

I found this quite tough, for one I don't really like running on the treadmill for so long plus I don't think I realised how tired I still am from yesterday. When I stepped off the treadmill I got a bit dizzy and faint, not good! I still did some abs exercises but left out the plank as I just didn't have the energy to think about it never mind try and do them!

For dinner I steamed a big plate full of brocolli and green beans and topped it with a sauce made from sauted courgettes and quorn mince cooked with garlic and tomato sauce.

This was very filling and yummy. I was really happy with the quorn mince (even the hubby liked it!) So much more convenient than beef mince and much lower in fat, I'll be making more use of this in the future!

Desert was a delicious little chocolate protein cake (scoop of chocolate whey, 1 egg white, 1 tablespoon of apple sauce, half a teaspoon of baking powder) with added dessicated coconut cooked for 2 minutes on high in the microwave and topped with more coconut served with strawberries.

I think I might have over cooked this as I usually like them a little bit doughy in the middle but it had a more normal spongy, cakey texture and was very dense and therefore filling!

Drinks - water, green tea, decaf tea, decaf coffee

Thanks for all your lovely comments yesterday, I wish I had thought of some of your 'sick' food suggestions, they were all great and made much more sense than my sweet potato and salsa! I'm just so glad I'm pretty much back to normal.

I won't be posting tomorrow night as I'm straight from work to the Blues Gig. I think the hubby is suggesting that we have a quick stop by Subway for something to eat before the gig. I've never been to Subway so I'm hoping they'll be some healthier options, especially since I'm planning a big blow out on my favourite Chinese food on Friday!

So I will catch you up on Friday with the gig and the geekfest that is the Dr Who Exhibition! Hope the rest of the week goes well for everyone, I have my fingers crossed for more sunshine here in the UK this bank holiday weekend! x


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