Alternative Sunday Lunch and Super Green Monster
Hi everyone, hope your week has got off to a good start. Here's a bit of a catch up of my last couple of days.
Sunday morning I woke up and had a strange craving for a green monster, so of course I indulged it! I used 2 big handfuls of spinach, 1 large frozen banana, kara coconut milk and a teaspoon of maca powder. I topped it with some chopped strawberries, flaked almonds and grape nuts.
This was gorgeous, check out how green this is! I think my spinach from the market must be super spinach, this tasted so healthy! Mid morning I snacked on a crispy granny smith apple.
We were invited to my parents for an alternative Sunday lunch - Indian! I had some brown rice with chicken korma which had been made with Sharwoods Korma Sauce. This sauce is really tasty, and as far as jarred sauces go isn't too full of artifical nasties.
Instead of the usual triffle that was on offer I managed to keep my halo in place and opted for a fruit bowl instead.
Strawberries, clementines, red and green grapes.
Mid afternoon, while watching Alice in Wonderland (which I enjoyed, anything with Johny Depp does it for me, no matter how mental he might look!) I had more fruit - a juicy nectarine with blackberries, pecans, brazils and goji berries and cup of Tea Pigs Chilli Chai.
Unfortunately some of the blackberries tasted a little mouldy so I decided to leave them. I went for another big apple to satisfy me instead!
Dinner was a bowl of Courgette and Watercress Soup
Desert was a smoothie, inspired by a recipe in the River Cottage Everyday Cookbook
Strawberry and Mint Smoothie
About 2 cups of frozen strawberries
1 teaspoon of chopped mint leaves
2 tablespoons of low fat fromage frais
175ml of pressed apple juice
Blend and serve.
This came out lovely and thick and therefore qualified for smoothie in a bowl status! It was like eating a bowl of refreshing strawberry sorbet.
On to today - I so did not fancy getting up for work this morning, I just wanted to have a lazy morning sipping tea and pottering about, but fat chance of that happening! I did have a delicious breakfast in mind to get me out of bed though. I defrosted a slice of my Date, Carrot and Walnut Loaf Cake and served it with a few tablespoons of low fat fromage frais, fresh blackberries and a little bit of agave.
Just wonderful. Mid morning I snacked on some spicy lentil dip with a few sugar snap peas and orange pepper sticks.
The sugar snap peas tasted so sweet and amazing, and I love the spicy lentil dip!
Lunch was a bowl of Beetroot Soup, served with a swirl of lemony fromage frais.
I sometimes find soups made with lots of root veggies a little too rich for me so I decided to try mixing a tablespoon of fromage frais with the juice of half a lemon and swirling that in to try and cut through some of that richness. I followed the soup with some strawberries.
Before I left work for the gym I snacked on one of my home made fuel bars.
I had a great gym workout, just my usual interval session with abs. I came home and did some foam rolling on my legs, its made such a huge difference to my knee, I think having a tight IT band (the muscle than runs down the outside of the leg) must be contributing to the pain and using the foam roller is relaxing it.
I had something special planned for dinner tonight inspired by a Nigella Lawson recipe from her iPhone App.
Griddled Aubergine, Courgette and Pepper with Feta, Chilli and Mint.
Serves two
1 Aubergine
1 Courgette
1 pepper
100g of feta cheese
Juice of a lemon
1 teaspoon of chopped red chilli
1 teaspoon of chopped mint
Just thinly slice the veggies and griddle then top with crumbled feta mixed with the lemon juice, chopped mint and chopped chilli.
This was lush! Oh so tasty and delicious, I love feta! As the hubby doesn't like feta I just made a large portion for myself with half the ingredients quantities listed. Desert was a chocolate orange protein cake followed by an apple.
So did everyone have a good weekend? In case you missed them I did a post on reviewing my summer wardrobe and a post on protein powders. Thanks to those that commented on them, your comments have been really interesting and useful! Well I'm off to relax for the rest of the evening, I have another long day tomorrow at work! x
Sunday morning I woke up and had a strange craving for a green monster, so of course I indulged it! I used 2 big handfuls of spinach, 1 large frozen banana, kara coconut milk and a teaspoon of maca powder. I topped it with some chopped strawberries, flaked almonds and grape nuts.
This was gorgeous, check out how green this is! I think my spinach from the market must be super spinach, this tasted so healthy! Mid morning I snacked on a crispy granny smith apple.
We were invited to my parents for an alternative Sunday lunch - Indian! I had some brown rice with chicken korma which had been made with Sharwoods Korma Sauce. This sauce is really tasty, and as far as jarred sauces go isn't too full of artifical nasties.
Instead of the usual triffle that was on offer I managed to keep my halo in place and opted for a fruit bowl instead.
Strawberries, clementines, red and green grapes.
Mid afternoon, while watching Alice in Wonderland (which I enjoyed, anything with Johny Depp does it for me, no matter how mental he might look!) I had more fruit - a juicy nectarine with blackberries, pecans, brazils and goji berries and cup of Tea Pigs Chilli Chai.
Unfortunately some of the blackberries tasted a little mouldy so I decided to leave them. I went for another big apple to satisfy me instead!
Dinner was a bowl of Courgette and Watercress Soup
Desert was a smoothie, inspired by a recipe in the River Cottage Everyday Cookbook
Strawberry and Mint Smoothie
About 2 cups of frozen strawberries
1 teaspoon of chopped mint leaves
2 tablespoons of low fat fromage frais
175ml of pressed apple juice
Blend and serve.
This came out lovely and thick and therefore qualified for smoothie in a bowl status! It was like eating a bowl of refreshing strawberry sorbet.
On to today - I so did not fancy getting up for work this morning, I just wanted to have a lazy morning sipping tea and pottering about, but fat chance of that happening! I did have a delicious breakfast in mind to get me out of bed though. I defrosted a slice of my Date, Carrot and Walnut Loaf Cake and served it with a few tablespoons of low fat fromage frais, fresh blackberries and a little bit of agave.
Just wonderful. Mid morning I snacked on some spicy lentil dip with a few sugar snap peas and orange pepper sticks.
The sugar snap peas tasted so sweet and amazing, and I love the spicy lentil dip!
Lunch was a bowl of Beetroot Soup, served with a swirl of lemony fromage frais.
I sometimes find soups made with lots of root veggies a little too rich for me so I decided to try mixing a tablespoon of fromage frais with the juice of half a lemon and swirling that in to try and cut through some of that richness. I followed the soup with some strawberries.
Before I left work for the gym I snacked on one of my home made fuel bars.
I had a great gym workout, just my usual interval session with abs. I came home and did some foam rolling on my legs, its made such a huge difference to my knee, I think having a tight IT band (the muscle than runs down the outside of the leg) must be contributing to the pain and using the foam roller is relaxing it.
I had something special planned for dinner tonight inspired by a Nigella Lawson recipe from her iPhone App.
Griddled Aubergine, Courgette and Pepper with Feta, Chilli and Mint.
Serves two
1 Aubergine
1 Courgette
1 pepper
100g of feta cheese
Juice of a lemon
1 teaspoon of chopped red chilli
1 teaspoon of chopped mint
Just thinly slice the veggies and griddle then top with crumbled feta mixed with the lemon juice, chopped mint and chopped chilli.
This was lush! Oh so tasty and delicious, I love feta! As the hubby doesn't like feta I just made a large portion for myself with half the ingredients quantities listed. Desert was a chocolate orange protein cake followed by an apple.
So did everyone have a good weekend? In case you missed them I did a post on reviewing my summer wardrobe and a post on protein powders. Thanks to those that commented on them, your comments have been really interesting and useful! Well I'm off to relax for the rest of the evening, I have another long day tomorrow at work! x
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