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Deep and meaningful thoughts

I had another really lovely breakfast today - a slice of my Date, Carrot and Walnut loaf with almond butter and a green monster made with spinach, frozen banana, vanilla rice milk and a teaspoon of maca.

I was afraid that freezing the loaf cake would make it dry, but it was fine. I just took a slice out last night and left in the cupboard to defrost, so glad I still have 7 slices of this left!

Mid morning I snacked on an apple and two babybel light.

Dinner was a bowl of my African Inspired sweet potato soup with added spinach.

So filling! Followed by some strawberries and a chopped kiwi.

After my day full of meetings I snacked on half a coco loco nakd bar before heading to the gym.

The gym was having an open friends and family day so I had expected it to be really busy but it wasn't too bad. I did my usual hour of cardio intervals on the treadmill, step machine, cross trainer and bike and since I got there a little earlier I had time for 10 mins on the recumbent bike whilst reading a magazine to cool down! I then did 3 sets of my usual abs exercises including planks which nearly killed me!

Dinner was a repeat of Monday night, sauted courgettes, peppers and mushrooms with lean beef in a tomato and garlic sauce on top of steamed brocolli and spinach with some mixed salad leaves.

This portion was huge! I really loaded up on the brocolli as it was on the turn and needed using up anyway. It reminded me of a post on Oh She Glows about eating volume food. This was very much a volume food meal!

For desert I made my first attempt at making a protein cake.

Protein Cake

1 scoop of protein powder (I used chocolate)
1 egg white
1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
2 tablespoons of apple sauce

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl and microwave it for 2 minutes on full. Keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't over flow from the bowl while cooking (mine nearly did!)

This tasted amazing! I was so suprised, it was lovely - cakey, gooey and sweet. This will definitely be a staple desert from now on.

Drinks - water, green tea, decaf tea

I've been having one of those days full of deep and meaningful thoughts. I've been thinking about my job and the general direction that my life is going in. If I'm totally honest I'm not really getting loads of job satisfaction at the moment, even though my job is very good and I work for a brilliant charity. I feel like I need something new, however I think that the something new needs to be completely different and I have no idea where to start!

As far as my general life direction goes I'm very lucky to have an amazing husband who supports me in everything I do and who wants the same things as me. We currently live in a one bed flat and really need to get it sorted and on the market so we can move to a bigger place and start thinking about starting a family. I think I just get overwhelmed by the fact that everything has to fit together to allow things to happen, i.e. I need to be in a job on at least the same salary for us to be able to afford to move. Sometimes it all just seems so overwhelming!

Do you have a life plan or a '5 year plan'? Do you sometimes have those days full of deep and meaningful thoughts?

I've just found it all rather mentally exhausting! I know that things always have a way of working themselves out so I do try not to stress to much about it. Well on that very deep note I'll be off, hope all of your weeks are going great, not long till the weekend now! x


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