jual kayu murah menerima order bahan

Win / Fail

I've enjoyed hearing about some of your great holiday plans this summer, I'm definitely starting to get really excited for mine now, less than 6 days to go!

This morning I was up bright and early so that I could fit in an hour of Yogalates. I really enjoyed the DVD again, I felt nice and stretched out and quite relaxed after doing it.

For breakfast I fancied something completely different to my usual smoothie / oats / yoghurt I eat most days so I decided to whip up a quick omlette. I used 1 egg and 2 egg whites and filled the omlette with two babybel light cheese sliced up. I served it with two small oranges.

This was a total win, it was so good! It made a lovely change and the babybel cheese melted very well - I was quite suprised as low fat cheese can sometimes go very plastic like when its melted but this was gorgeous.

Lunch was a big salad containing chicken, beetroot, red onion, cucumber, carrot, spinach and cos lettuce.

Followed by a bowl of lovely cherries.

Mid afternoon I had a boring old chocolate protein shake, and then decided that after work I would pop to the gym for a quick high intensity interval training (HIIT) session for some calorie burn before picking the hubby up from work. I did a 5 minute warm up on the cross trainer followed by 10 minutes of 1 minute intervals at level 10 and then 14. Thats a level higher than usual! I also did 10 minutes of the same on the step machine and bike also at a higher level than my usual intervals. That gave me 30 minutes of HIIT which I followed with some stretching and a quick bit of abs.

For dinner I had defrosted a cod fillet that I picked up on offer at the shops a little while ago, to be honest I really wasn't feeling it but I didn't want to waste it so I wrapped it in foil with some lime juice, chilli, ginger, garlic and soy sauce and steamed it for 15 minutes then served it with steamed brocolli, bok choy and carrot ribbons.

This was a complete fail! It just didn't taste good at all. I had based it on a recipe for asian steamed fish that I had seen (and tried before with trout which had been delicious) but I just was not getting this at all. I hate it when a meal doesn't work out. I tried to eat as much as possible to avoid waste but I still chucked a good quarter of it in the bin :-(

For desert I mixed a scoop of chocolate whey with some quark cheese and a teaspoon of peanut butter to make a little pudding. I then added another teaspoon of peanut butter on top, I needed to have something extra tasty to make up for that minging dinner!

This was every tasty and more than made up for the rubbish dinner. I'm not feeling too hungry at the moment but I might snack on an apple before bed as well.

I think this week is going to be a manic one. I know I have so much to do before we go away and I keep thinking that I'm all sorted but I have a nagging feeling that I've forgotten something! I am a total list making queen so I'm hoping that my ace organisational skills will see me good! I also need to eat out the contents of my fridge before we go away so I may have some strange looking and / or repetitive eats this week although I think I've planned most of them into decent and healthy meals!

Do you have any handy holiday / packing organisational tips to help keep me right? Hope that all your Monday's haven't been too bad, I'm off to attempt a spray tan, I hope I don't come out orange! x


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