WIAW: Rut or a Groove?
Hello guys, glad you enjoyed my birthday and birthday party posts! I’m still riding the buzz from the weekend, it was so much fun! I do feel a little different now I’m the other side of 30, but in a really good way. I think the change has given me the momentum to kick off a lot of exciting personal projects and its been go go go so far this week.
These are my eats and goings on from yesterday. I had warm water with a squeeze of lemon, a glass of water with a dash of apple cider vinegar and then made breakfast. I’ve been obsessed with this combo for breakfast the last few days:
Two whole organic eggs scrambled in coconut oil and topped with half an avocado and sea salt plus half a melon chopped on the side. I just can’t get enough of this at the moment it just seems to hit the spot. I also had some organic dark roast coffee blended up with a little full fat coconut milk, vanilla bean paste and stevia:
I love how creamy it gets!
I decided to wear one of my birthday presents for work:
You know I love my statement necklaces, this was a gift from my colleagues at work :-)
Mid morning at work I snacked on a little pot of smoked almonds:
For lunch I had a salad with romaine, cucumber, carrot, pepper, red onion, chickpeas and some green goddess dressing:
I had a meeting close to home in the afternoon so finished a bit earlier than usual. As a mid afternoon snack I had a crunchy jazz apple straight from the fridge:
Followed by an iced coffee with unsweetened almond milk:
It was so hot yesterday afternoon that iced coffee was much needed! After that I got ready and headed to the gym. I did some cardio on the machines and then went into my Body Pump class which was like a sauna!
After the class I came home to make dinner. I had been planning on making a stir fry but with it being so warm I just wasn’t feeling it. I decided to make some raw noodles with a massive courgette and some carrots and tossed them in a sauce made with 1/4 cup of peanut flour, sweet white miso, toasted sesame oil and a pinch of ground ginger. Then I pan fried the tofu I’d pressed and marinated in the morning (using the same technique as perfect tofu but just cutting into cubes) wacked it on top and added a bit more of the sauce:
This was a fantastic satisfying semi raw meal!
A bit later for ‘dessert’ I made a smoothie using up some stuff from the fridge – spinach that was on its way out and a couple of juicy plums, plus a scoop of chocolate sun warrior protein powder, raw cacao powder, stevia, ice and water:
I topped it with some bee pollen, goji berries and raw cacao nibs. It was very nice and refreshing. For the first time in a while I even skipped my usual evening cup of hot herbal tea before bed!
Whether you call it a rut or a groove I’m definitely having a moment with the eggs and avocado combo as well as the salads and evening smoothies. Ever since I’ve re introduced eggs I’ve actually surprised myself with how much I’m enjoying them. Scrambling them like that is so quick and easy too. I’ve also found myself making repeats of that salad most days for lunch and just changing up the beans. Of course smoothies are a constant in my diet and I can’t imagine ending the day without one, although I think as the weather starts to get cooler I’ll be looking for different options.
Looking back I think that I didn’t allow myself to get into a food groove for want of trying new things. Even though I generally like variety in my diet, sometimes I develop favourites and as long as I continue to enjoy them I don’t worry about getting stuck in a rut!
What’s your view on food ruts and grooves? What current food groove are you in right now?
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