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Up with the sunrise

Hello everyone, hope your week is going well! I’ve been having a tough one, everything seems to be catching up with me this week but not long till the weekend now :-)

Wednesday was my double workout day! I was out the door at 6.20am, it was a beautiful cool crisp morning and I watched the sun rise as I ran, it was a great way to start the day! I decided to do about 4 miles and do some intervals as that is what I would have usually done on the treadmill. I did 4.7 miles in 42 minutes with an average pace of 8.51 which I was pretty happy with. I did several sprints with a recovery in between. It was tough but I really enjoyed it! After work I hit the gym and did 10 minutes of intervals on the cross trainer, step machine, rowing machine and bike (40 minutes in total) followed by my abs and core. I found that I wasn’t too tired working out twice, however my appetite has been in full force today!

This morning I was up early again but for a quick 15 minute yoga session. I didn’t follow a podcast or a set out flow I just went with what felt right. I did a few fast paced sun salutes followed by some seated twists, pigeon pose to stretch out my quads and IT band and finished off in child’s pose. Absolute bliss! This evening I was back at the gym for some upper body free weights (30 minutes) and cardio intervals (30 minutes).

Now on to some of my tasty eats! I’ve had the same thing for lunch and dinner both days again to save time but I do like a bit of variety in my breakfasts. After yesterdays run I re fuelled with this delicious green smoothie:


This contained spring greens, 1 frozen banana, 2 pears, vanilla sun warrior, 1 tbsp of smooth peanut butter, 1 tsp maca, 1 tsp of spirulina, water and xanthan and guar gums. I topped it with hemp seeds, gojis, freeze dried berries and some peanut flour sauce. So good!

Today I had some tofu yoghurt with rhubarb and orange compote, a chopped pink lady apple and some treacle and pecan granola:


This was really tasty, still in love with the tofu yoghurt and the new granola was delicious!

Lunches have been the same mixed bean salad with braggs liquid aminos:


Gotta love those veggies!

Today we were running some training at work and there was a leftover fruit platter from the catering so I’ve spent all afternoon grazing on the most delicious fresh fruit including pineapple, watermelon, grapes and oranges plus several pink lady apples. It was just so delicious, give me fresh fruit over cream cakes any day!

Dinner has been really good too. I’ve had two grilled Linda McCartney sausages, half a big baked sweet potato, steamed green beans, broccoli and kale / greens plus a wonderful miso gravy (just 1 tbsp of sweet white miso and 1 tsp of barley miso with hot water):


This was a lot tastier than I had been expecting. I don’t often eat faux meat like those sausages but these just hit the spot! The miso gravy was really delicious and so quick and easy to make as well.

Last night for dessert I had a couple of sliced pink ladies with the last of my raw brazil cacao bliss:


I would be more gutted that was the last of the brazil nut bliss if I wasn’t off to NYC soon and will therefore be able to replace it with some dark chocolate dreams!

Tonight I made an amazing giant bowl of protein ice cream with a scoop of fruit-ein powder, ice and xanthan and guar gums. I topped it with a few freeze dried berries:


This really was a mega big bowl and has filled me right up!

Just to restate, these are just a few of my eats over the last couple of days, not everything I’ve eaten. I’m not posting every thing I eat as I don’t feel its helpful for me at the moment, plus now that I’m doubling up more of my meals it would get pretty boring!

Today I received some boxes of tea from the very kind people at Clipper Tea. I had been tweeting my dissatisfaction at the cheap green tea I was drinking and how it really isn’t a match for my favourite Clipper Organic Green Tea and they kindly offered to send me some!


They also sent some Green Tea with Manuka Honey to try out as well bless them!

I’ve been thinking about how much I enjoyed the outdoor run way more than the treadmill – I think I may change things up and make my usual Wednesday morning workout an outdoor run instead of going to the gym. One thing it has made me realise is that I really prefer doing my tougher workouts out first thing as I feel I have so much more energy!

When does your energy levels peak? Are you a morning person or an evening person?


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