Goodies from the Farm Shop and a 3,2,1 workout
Hi guys, are you having a good weekend? I’ve had such a relaxing time, its been just what I’ve needed to recharge my batteries. I’ve watched movies with James and had a lovely candle lit bath. I’ve also been taking care of myself by getting back to juicing:
My standard cucumber, celery, ginger and lemon blend
Last week I decided to treat myself to a trip to my local farm shop. It had been ages since I’d been there as I just haven’t had the time as well as the money! I got some amazing produce and it made me realise that it really is worth spending a little more from time to time. I got a big bag of organic swiss chard and organic carrots and made a really delicious dinner:
I sautéed the swiss chard in olive oil and garlic with balsamic vinegar, tamari, chickpeas and raisins inspired by this recipe. I made the carrots into ribbons and roasted them in olive oil and thyme honey inspired by this recipe. Delish!
I also bought some of the most amazing organic white peaches:
So beautiful, and I just have to say that chocolate is utterly amazing, caramel and sea salt is my idea of heaven!
I also bought two dozen free range farm eggs and wow, these were amazing and better than the organic ones from Sainsbury’s. Much more full of flavour, bigger and cheaper! I had two fried in coconut oil for breakfast:
The yolks are the most vibrant colour! I had them in my favourite combo with avocado and sea salt. I’ll definitely be making more return trips to the farm shop for those eggs at the very least.
Yesterday I decided to pop to the gym for a random workout. Before I went I had a simple breakfast of a banana, strawberries, almond butter and local honey comb:
I just love simple meals like this sometimes! That fuelled me pretty well for my workout. I decided to do a 3,2,1 style workout with 3 x cardio, 2 x strength and 1 x core:
- 10 minutes cross trainer HIIT
- Lower body strength – I used a 40lb bar and did 20 squats, 20 lunges (10 each leg), 20 deadlifts and repeated that 3 times with no rest
- 10 minutes step machine HIIT
- Upper body strength – I used 2 kg dumbbells and did 20 shoulder press, 20 chest press, 20 double bent over rows and repeated that 3 times with no rest
- 10 minutes bike HIIT
- Core – raises on stability ball to work lower back x 10, sit ups on stability ball x 20 and repeated 3 times, 20 v ups, plank
- Collapse in a sweaty mess!
I really enjoyed this workout and got seriously sweaty, so much so that I felt rather self conscious in the gym, no one else ever seems to sweat! After that I made myself a gorgeous cherry and peanut butter smoothie:
I blended ice, frozen cherries, peanut flour, unsweetened almond milk, vanilla stevia, pinch of sea salt, omega oil, maca powder and topped with a few crunchy cacao nibs. Then for lunch I indulged in my current love: organic goats cheese…
Romaine, red oak lettuce, cucumber, beetroot, goats cheese and balsamic vinegar.
Today I’m just spending a bit of time getting organised for the week ahead as well as getting myself back in the kitchen. Over the summer I haven’t had many cook up sessions and something about coming into September has made me want to enjoy it again. I’ve got the oven on baking tofu, sweet potatoes, roasting more stone fruits (for a special recipe) and later I’m going to get the dehydrator going with some raw crackers to use up the pulp from those green juices!
What have you been up to this weekend? Does the arrival of September make you feel like spending more time cooking and baking? Do you ever visit a farm shop?
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