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Lovely Lemons

I started off the day with something I haven't had in ages, a cup of warm water with the juice of half a lemon. I used to drink this every morning but got sick of buying lemons all the time so just went on to plain warm water. I think its a habit I picked up from a detox I did a long time ago and its stuck with me. It was really lovely and refreshing to have that lemon taste this morning, it just makes you feel 'clean' inside if that makes any sense.

Breakfast was a giant bowl of porridge (I'm still not getting the hang of making smaller portions!) with chia seeds, a little hazelnut and almond rice milk, chopped apple, cinnamon and maca and a big teaspoon full of hazelnut butter.

I had spent the last part of Friday writing the mother of all to do lists for this week at work so I was very organised this morning and knew exactly what needed to be done. I'm such a scatter brain on a Monday this was very helpful!

Mid morning I had half a tub of cottage cheese with a teaspoon of nutritional yeast mixed in.

I think I'm still getting used to the flavour of nutritional yeast, its not unpleasant its just not quite there for me yet, I need to try with some things a few times before I can apprechiate the taste.

Lunch was my super quinoa salad followed by some cantaloupe melon.

This was amazing, I can't believe I haven't had quinoa before now! Its a really good grain for me to eat as it has a high protein content and shouldn't play havoc with my blood sugar like other carbs such as rice, pasta and bread do. The lemon juice in this was really good too, it just gave it a lovely sharpness. I think lemons might be going back on my grocery list more often!

Before I left work for the gym I had my last two cherry bakewell babies for fuel.

I decided that I would wear my new running trainers as a gym session would be a good way to wear them in a bit before wearing them for my long weekend run. They were so comfortable, I felt like I was walking on air compared to my old trainers! I did my usual hour of cardio intervals on the treadmill, cross trainer, bike and step machine followed by my abs exercises. I was proper done in after that session!

Dinner was some of my Roast Vegetable and Mozzerella Bake with a big mixed side salad with added cucumber and carrot.

I totally messed up the portion sizes with this, I should have divided the bake into three portions rather than two as this was super filling! I forgot how filling veggies like aubergine and courgette can be. It was delicious though! The tomato sauce was really good. Desert was some chocolate orange flavour protein goo.

Drinks - water, green tea, decaf tea

Well its all offical. Come the 19th September I will be running the BUPA Great North Run for Cancer Research UK. I absolutely can't wait! I just want to get out there and run but I don't want to push myself too hard too soon. I've been having a little look at a few websites like Realbuzz and Run Britain for some tips as well. I'm so excited!

I really enjoyed my quinoa salad today, have you had quinoa before? How do you eat it and do you have any suggestions for me? I've seen a few breakfast recipes with it on other blogs that I might try out.

Well I'm off to sort out the laundry, oh the glamour! Hope you have all had a good Monday! x


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