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My Inspiration

It was so hard to get out of bed this morning, why is it that on a Saturday and Sunday morning I'm awake at 6 and can't get back to sleep and then on a week day I feel like I could stay in bed forever!

I kicked off the day with a mug of warm water and the juice of half a lemon which always makes me feel all squeaky clean inside! I then made up a lovely green monster with spinach, frozen banana, vanilla rice milk, a teaspoon of maca powder and a couple of tablespoons of oats all blended together. I decided it was thick enough to indulge in my smoothie in a bowl addiction so I poured it in and sprinkled with grape nuts for crunch.

I got into work really early and started to tackle my ever increasing to do list. This morning we had a meeting at our local Italian cafe. The last time we had a meeting there we followed it with lunch and I ended up eating a giant pizza and slice of cake which left me feeling awfully full (and guilty) for the rest of the day. I was determined not to let that happen again! During the meeting I kept to green tea and just had just one Mocha. I also snacked on an apple.

For lunch I went with a small bowl of Pea and Mint Soup (skipping on the bread) and the Greek Salad with feta, mixed leaves, red onion, tomato, red pepper and cucumber which was on the menu as a starter, but I asked if I could have a bigger portion and have that as my main.

I took a quick snap of these with my phone so apologies for the rubbish quality. They were both really delicious, the pea and mint soup was so creamy. I think I might try making my own at the weekend if I have time. Very glad I managed to avoid a major face stuffing session whilst still really enjoying what I ate!

Before leaving work for the gym I had one of my home made fuel bars.

I had a great workout at the gym doing all my May Training Plan resistance levels and speed targets during my intervals on the treadmill, step machine, cross trainer and bike. I did a total of 1 hour cardio and then did 3 sets of my abs exercises. I'm definitely getting better at holding my plank pose too!

For dinner I made myself up a egg white spelt wrap and filled it with spinach, turkey and hummus. I love this combo! Plus the wrap packs that extra protein punch to keep me full. I served it with some cucumber and carrot sticks and a little more hummus for dipping.

Desert was a bowl of chocolate protein goo (a scoop of chocolate whey mixed with vanilla rice milk into a thick gooey paste) with some added desicated coconut to add a bit more flavour.

Drinks - water, green tea, decaf tea, Mocha

Last night I finally finished my inspiration board! While I was going through all of the pages of stuff I had torn from old magazines I started to realise that this inspiration board was going to be wider than just my health and fitness related goals. I think this is now more of an inspiration board for my life at the moment including fashion, interior, travel and health and fitness / body inspirations.

What do you think?

I got all the pieces laid down and went to start sticking them in place when I realised that my glue stick had dried up on me, so I just took plenty of photos to use instead. I've actually taken the photograph and made it my desk top background on my laptop so I can see it on a regular basis.

Hope you like it! Have you ever used an inspiration board before? I'm quite a visual person so this kind of thing is great for me, plus it gives me an excuse to keep buying magazines! x


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