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Green food day and a big decision to make

Thankfully my legs must have repaired themselves during the night as the aches had gone this morning. I started off with my 30 mins Davina Pump DVD. I added in a couple of extra exercises to work my back and chest as when I thought about it the DVD doesn't really include any moves for these muscle groups, which considering its only 30 mins long is fair enough. The DVD left me nice and sweaty which I don't mind when it shows that I've had a good workout!

For breakfast I made up a big green monster, it was gorgeous! I used loads of spinach, a frozen banana, teaspoon of maca, tablespoon of ground flax, scoop of vanilla whey, vanilla rice milk and a little water.

I love it when I can fill my huge shaker cup up to the brim!

Had a bit of a stress on at work this morning as with it being the end of the quarter I have loads of monitoring reports to do and they all have to be done in different ways, measuring different stuff its a nightmare! But I did myself a big mind map to try and get my head straight and that helped loads.

Lunch was some beautiful Courgette and Watercress Soup and an apple.

I seem to feel healthier just for eating this soup, its so beautifully green!

Mid afternoon I snacked on a chopped kiwi and some green grapes (I seem to be on a bit of a green food kick today!) with two babybel light.

I was putting in another late Thursday night (the Hubby also works late on a Thursday so its not too bad) so I had made up a spelt wrap (3 egg whites, tablespoon of spelt flour mixed and fried like a pancake) filled with spinach, loads of hummus and 5 slices of turkey. This wrap was so filling and absolutely delicious!

I also had a salad of mixed leaves, spinach, carrot, cucumber, red onion and alfalta sprouts with some humnut dressing (tablespoon of hummus, teaspoon of nutritional yeast and two tablespoons of water) and an orange.

After I finished work I popped to the shops again (yes I love grocery shopping!) for a few odds and ends for the next couple of days. I always seem to need more fresh fruit and veggies. I snacked on a lovely crunchy apple when I got home. I feel like I've been a bit of a hungry hippo today!

My final snack of the day is going to be this pot of Vanilla Tofu Pud, yum!

Drinks - water, green tea, decaf tea

Well, I'm faced with a big decision to make folks. I have always wanted to do the Great North Run, its practically on my door step and it looks so much fun! Every year I watch it and wish that I was there. Now I had thought about trying to do it in 2011 however, who knows what could be going on in my life by then? I was reading a post by the lovely JAG and she's managed to get in for the 2010 race. I've never been as fit as I am right now, I know I have the time to train between now and September and I feel like I'm in the right place physically and mentally to do it. I've also identifed a couple of charities that still have places available. So I'm seriously considering signing up! Am I nuts? At the moment I can do just under 4 miles and I would have to make some big changes to my training plan in the coming months to get up to the 13 miles. I think that I'm going to try and run 5 miles (Eek!) at the weekend and see how I feel about it all and make a decision then. What do you guys think? Am I mental?

So glad its Friday tomorrow, apparently we are due some really lovely weather in the UK this weekend and I can't wait. Hope your all having a good week! x


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