jual kayu murah menerima order bahan

Long day, but at least its the weekend!

Well this post is coming out quite late as I've just got back in the flat after leaving at 8am this morning, I am well tired, but at least I have tomorrow off!

I started the day with Jillian Michaels and did the first circuit of Level 2 followed by Level 3, and as usual it left me completely done in. For breakfast I made a smoothie with frozen blueberries, chocolate whey (I had planned on vanilla but I reached for the wrong tub, doh!), oats, ground flax, teaspoon of crunchy peanut butter, vanilla rice milk and some water to blend. I love it when I make the right amount to fill the big shaker, it was lovely. I do prefer the vanilla whey with blueberries but it still tasted damn good!

Work was ok as I had loads of meetings to keep me busy. In between them all I had my lunch which was an apple and a tuna salad with tuna, light mayo, cucumber, grated carrot and some of the mouldy white onion from last night (I did cut the moudly bits off!).

I am really enjoying these apples at the moment. Their from a basics range so very cheap but they are great quality, really tasty and crunchy. Probably why I've been eating two apples a day for the last week!

As I had a late night meeting scheduled that was going to run from 5.30 - 8.00 tonight I decided to have a more substantial mid afternoon snack to keep me going. I had 4 savory rice cakes, some cottage cheese and a fruit salad of grapes and an orange.

Just before I went into the meeting I had a peanut and oat Trek Bar to fill me up. This was very tasty!

The meeting wasn't too boring as there was a few interesting discussions. It was one of these open to the public type meetings and that always equals a few fireworks!

I have just got back home and I'm having more rice cakes and cottage cheese and raisins with another apple. I hate eating too late on an evening but if I didn't sit and eat something properly I would just enter snack mode!

Drinks - water, green tea, decaf tea, regular tea

Well I'm going to watch some American Idol we have on the Sky Box and then I'm hitting the sack. I get to do my big grocery shop in the morning and I have my list all written out. I can't wait! Does that make me sad? Although I think most of us food and fitness bloggers get excited about food shopping too! Hope your all having a great week, not long till weekend now, I'm very happy that I get to start my weekend a little early!


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