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What's the deal with this weather?

Ok I'm getting really fed up with this weather at the moment, I thought it was spring, at this rate there could be snow on the ground for Easter, how weird would that be!

I kicked off the day with a mug of warm water and Jillian's 30 Day Shred. This is the last week of my four week training plan so I'll be changing DVD's next week. I went back and did Level 1 plus the first 2 circuits of Level 2. I still can't believe how sweaty I get doing this workout, Love it!

Breakfast was a wonderful green monster with loads of spinach, frozen cherries, chocolate whey, ground flax, hazelnut and almond rice milk and water. It just tasted fabulous!

My morning at work wasn't too bad, I can finally feel my concentration returning! Lunch was a big beautiful salad containing spinach, little gem lettuce, young leaf salad, red onion, cucumber, beetroot, grated carrot and feta cheese. Gorgeous.

I followed that with an apple.

I had another late meeting tonight (I sometimes feel like thats all I do at the moment!) so my mid afternoon snack was a bit bigger than usual - 4 savory rice cakes, half a tub of cottage cheese and a mini fruit salad of orange and kiwi. I haven't had kiwi fruit in ages, I'm so glad I picked some up yesterday, it was tasty!

The meeting was really long, I had to be there from 4.30 till 8.00. It was another public meeting and things got quite heated at times, luckily though none of that was in my direction! When we had a comfort break half way through I snacked on a lovely 9 Bar Original, yum!

I got home about half an hour ago and tucked into this -

A savory rice cake, cottage cheese with raisins and cinnamon and a chopped apple.

Drinks - water, green tea, decaf tea

Its rather annoying that I can't really eat a proper dinner when I have meetings like that, as I don't like to eat a big meal after 8pm and even if I left it till that late to eat I would probably be so hungry by the time I got home I would end up having a major cupboard raid.

One random thought I had today was that I realised that I have not eaten any meat since Friday. I thought I was a true carnivore but obviously I was wrong. I haven't really missed it as I've had some wonderful meat free meals! Makes me consider vegetarianism, but not for long if I'm honest, I still prefer to leave all options open when it comes to food!

I also forgot to mention in yesterdays post, but I got some good and interesting news yesterday that I'm rather excited about! Its probably not that much of a big deal really but I'm still chuffed about it. I 'm not going to say much yet but all will be revealed soon!

Well I'm off to watch a bit of TV and try and wind down ready for bed. Hope all your Tuesdays have been good! x


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