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Lots of lemon and ginger

Well it looks like I have a full blown head cold! I had a rubbish nights sleep and feel really groggy. Luckily I tend to be able to shake these things off quite quickly by making sure that I drink plenty of hot fluids, lemon and ginger tea or fresh lemon with ginger and honey being my favourite, get some rest and eat lots of fresh fruit and veggies. I always have my pack of tissues with me, as well as my wonder product - Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream, which I use on my dry lips and the end of my nose to prevent the skin getting dry and cracking.

This morning I had my hot lemon water and then decided that I would still do my DVD workout. I usually find that some light exercise makes me feel better rather than worse when I have a head cold. I took it easy, but did level 2 and 3 of the 30 Day Shred back to back, I just did low impact versions of moves but I was really chuffed as I managed to do one of the plank exercises with the dumbbell row and leg raise in the full plank position rather than on my knees!

After sweating it out I made breakie. I had a yoghurt mess containing - a pot of greek yoghurt mixed with a scoop of vanilla whey, 2 chopped plums, brown rice puffs and grape nuts.

Work was a real drag today, I just kept going and getting myself cups of green tea and lemon and ginger tea. I had thought I'd be ok to stick it out all day but I ended up giving in and coming home mid afternoon. Mid morning my lovely work mate went to the chemist and bought some effervescent Vit C tablets so I had one with my bottle of water.

Lunch was a bowl of my home made Brocolli, Pea and Mint Soup which I'd defrosted from my frozen soup stash.

Followed by an orange (for more Vit C) and a small apple with cinnamon and maca.

I was so glad I chose to have soup for lunch today, it was good to have something lovely and hot. I must make some more soups up when I get back from my holidays as my supplies are starting to run low!

I finished work at 2.30 and headed home via the shops to pick up more lemons! When I got back I made a chocolate berry protein smoothie. I blended a scoop of chocolate whey with some mixed frozen berries, ice cubes and water. It blended up really thick so I couldn't resist eating it from the bowl.

This big bowl full can't have been more than 150 cals and it was de-lish!

I then ran myself a lovely hot bath and soaked in it for half and hour while sipping hot lemon with ginger and honey. My little tea making kit -

For dinner I made a big stir fry with chicken, red pepper, spring onion, spinach, carrot, savoy cabbage and a few left over sugar snap peas. I made a sauce using plenty of garlic, ginger and chilli as these are all good for the immune system along with a sprinkle of chinese 5 spice and some soy sauce.

I needed those lovely strong spicy flavours just so I could taste something! For desert I tried out something new. I have seen the Fitnessista make egg white puffs a few times so I thought I would try out making a sweet egg white puff.

Sweet Egg White Puff

2 egg whites
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon of mixed spice
2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
2 tablespoons of agave syrup

Mix together the egg whites, vanilla and spices in a bowl. Microwave for 2 minutes (or until done, it will start to pop, just keep checking all the liquid has gone). Serve topped with agave syrup.

This was suprisingly tasty, it certainly filled me up as it contains so much protein. It could perhaps have done with being more sweet, I guess if you had sweetener like Stevia that would work really well.

Drinks - water, green tea, lemon and ginger tea

I'm due my weigh in tomorrow but I'm not expecting great things. The snackies have really had me the last couple of days and although the only time I've gone over my planned eating has been 3 small bowls of muesli and an orange and two plums I 'feel' a bit heavier. Probably due to impending TOTM, we shall see what the scales say tomorrow.

I'm really looking forward to tomorrow night as me and my friend will be attending the NewcastleGateshead EAT Festival Launch Party. I can't wait, we get to sample loads of tasty food including cocktails and local beers and other lovely tasty goodies. I'm so looking forward to it! Have you ever been to a food festival?What was it like? Well I'm going to call it a day, I think I need an early night, I'm hoping to wake up revived tomorrow! x


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