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Bring on the sunshine (please!)

It was Friday morning weigh in day, and I wasn't particually looking forward to it considering the Easter weekend excesses! However, it wasn't too bad, I only gained a pound (10st 2) which doesn't bother me at all as like I said last week, weight maintenance is my goal not weight loss as long as I don't exceed 10st7.

After that I felt the need for a big bowl of porridge so I made some with oats, chia seeds, almond butter and sour cherries. It was lovely! I just added a tablespoon of chia seeds to my oats then added some water and nuked them for a bit adding vanilla rice milk at the end then topping with a spoonful of almond butter and some sour cherries. I liked the taste of the chia seeds in the porridge, it kind of thickened it up but I don't think it made me feel any fuller than normal.

For a mid morning snack I had some Cantaloupe melon (which had been on offer in the shops last night) with some green grapes. I love how fresh fruit can be so beautiful and sweet, it was just delicious.

For lunch I had a bowl of African inspired sweet potato soup, I've seen this floating around the blog world recently. I made this last weekend as I had two sweet potatoes that were on the turn and needed using up. Heres my version -

African Inspired Sweet Potato Soup

2 sweet potatoes peeled and chopped
1 large onion chopped
1 tin of chopped tomatoes
Teaspoon of minced ginger
2 gloves of garlic crushed
About half a cup of red lentils
Enough hot vegetable stock to cover the veggies
2 tablespoons of smooth peanut butter
Tablespoon of olive oil

Sweat the onion, garlic and ginger in a little oil until the onion becomes soft, then add the sweet potatoes and the tin of chopped tomatoes. Then add the vegetable stock and lentils. Simmer for about 25 minutes or until the sweet potato has softened. Remove from the heat and allow to cool before blending the soup with a hand blender / jug blender. Add the peanut butter and blend again. This makes about 4 large portions or 6 smaller ones. This makes a lovely rich soup which could also be used as a sauce for veggies.

I had it today with some spinach which I briefly wilted by dipping in boiling water before adding to the soup and a few slices of cucumber I needed to use up. I also had an apple.

For a mid afternoon snack I had a little tub of my fave Greek Yoghurt.

Although I haven't had a really bad week at work, I feel so ready for the weekend and was really happy to get home! For dinner I made some Thai Green Curry with chicken, brocolli, cauliflower and red pepper (I'd made this a while ago, this was the last portion from my frozen stash) and had it with some wholemeal noodles.

For desert I just couldn't resist making a bowl of banana soft serve with some of my dark chocolate bunny thrown in!

I was trying to go for chocolate chips but my food processor had other ideas so I just left it with big chunks of dark chocolate, yum!

Drinks - water, green tea, decaf tea

Thanks for all the comments for my last post about me signing up for the Great North Run, they were all lovely and encouraging! Officially I'm still thinking about it, but I feel that I have my heart set on it now! I'm planning a long run (for my standards anyway!) in the morning. I'm aiming for 5 miles. I'm not going to worry about speed, I'm going to just enjoy going the distance and see how I feel.

So whats everyone got planned for the weekend? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this good weather! I don't know what it is but I feel like I'm just craving some decent sunshine. Its probably cause we've had such a bad winter, I think my body just needs it!  Tomorrow I'll be running, seeing friends and family, and going for a walk round the park if its nice. Sunday I'm hoping for some relaxing weekend cooking as well as not so relaxing grocery shopping and cleaning :(
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and get some good weather, wherever in the world you are! x


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