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Yoga for Runners

I've still got a bit of a sore throat lingering on at the moment so my hot water with lemon was especially nice this morning!

I decided that I would still do my Jillian's 30 Day Shred DVD first thing, despite trying to rest my knees. I did levels 2 and 3 back to back but when exercises with lunges and squats were being peformed, or the higher impact moves I just went into a static hold or did the lower impact versions (which I tend to do for most moves in that DVD as not to make my downstairs neighbour think theres an elephant coming through her ceiling!) I still worked up a good sweat which was great.

All I fancied for breakfast was an icey cold smoothie in a bowl. I made a chocolate cherry green monster (frozen cherries, spinach, chocolate whey, kara coconut milk) and topped it with sunflower and pumpkin seeds, goji berries and some flaked almonds.

This was perfect for my sore throat!

Lunch was a repeat of yesterday - a smoked tofu veggie filled salad followed by two apricots and an orange.

Mid afternoon I made myself a protein shake with chilled water and a scoop of vanilla whey mixed in my shaker cup.

Dinner was a turkey steak with a little hot chilli powder served with lightly steamed brocolli, cauliflower, sugar snap peas and raw carrot sticks. I also added a lovely big spoonful of hummus!

Desert was a bowl of frozen raspberries with kara coconut milk and a couple of tablespoons of Dorset cereals muesli.

Unfortunately the muesli with the raspberries tasted really good so when I finished this and still felt hungry I decided to have another small bowl of muesli mixed with jumbo oats and skimmed milk, and I'm thinking of going back for another little bowl.

The snackies seem to be in full swing this evening!

Drinks - water, green tea, lots of lemon and ginger tea, decaf tea

I was really chuffed earlier today as I was reading Healthy Tipping Point and Caitlin linked back to a really informative post about her knee injury. She has the same problem to me and has gone on to manage the problem and even run a marathon! Reading her post was really inspiring and reminded me that things are going to be ok.

Well I'm going to head off and try doing a little yoga. I downloaded a 20 minute Yoga for Runners session from Yoga Download (the 20 minute session is free to download). I'm really looking forward to giving this a go, 20 minutes is a perfect short little workout that I would be able to fit in here and there and should help to develop my strength and flexiblity. After I've given that a go I'm going to do more of my exercises from the physio and then do a bit of stretching. I've had no pain for a few days now and only a little muscle tightness so things must be on the mend! I also ordered some insoles for my running shoes today which give greater arch support so fingers crossed those will also help. Hope your week is going well, mine seems to be dragging a bit, I can't believe its only Tuesday! x


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