jual kayu murah menerima order bahan

Tofu and Pamper Session

Didn't enjoy the alarm going off this morning again! But I keep reminding myself that it will make it easier come Monday morning. I weighed myself when I got up and was very happily suprised to find that I'd lost 3lbs! Was really not expecting that, I'm actually wondering if there's something wrong with my scales so going to weigh myself at my Mam's tomorrow for comparison. I decided to get an early gym session in so before I went I ate half a banana to give me a bit of energy and a cup of warm water. I did my usual cardio workout at the gym with 60 mins of cardio on the tread mill, cross trainer, step machine and rowing machine with intervals followed by my abs sets. By the time I got home I was ready to eat my own arm so made a big bowl of chocolate banana peanut butter porridge! I made up the porridge with skimmed milk and added a little bit hazelnut and almond rice milk when it had cooked along with a scoop of chocolate whey powder a tablespoon of peanut butter and half a chopped banana, it was heaven in a bowl!
After I got showered and ready we had a drive into town, the weather was terrible so we didn't stop for long but we did visit the new asian supermarket. I bought a pack of brown rice vermicelli noodles and a massive slab of tofu. I have tried tofu before and wasn't that bothered but I'm really up for trying out some new things with it. I sliced the slab up and put it into individual portions in the freezer. When we got home I made up a quick lunch of scrambled eggs on a slice of stoneground wholemeal with an apple.
As the weather was so horrible we decided to just chill out in the house and watch TV and movies so before we got settled I thought I'd have a lovely pamper session! I love having a good pamper session but rarely have the time to do it. I keep a special box in my wardrobe which is full of all my 'special' beauty products (basically the more expensive stuff that you don't want to use on a day to day basis) and I raid this every time I have a pamper session. I light some scented candles of which I have loads...
...and lay out all the stuff I'm going to use. It usually involves a bath oil or bubble bath of some kind, hair mask, face mask, shower gel, exfoliator and moisturiser followed by doing my nails - filing them down and giving them a fresh coat of varnish.
I lay in the bath for nearly an hour reading In Defense of Food, it was sheer bliss!

After I dragged myself out of the bath I had a glass of hazelnut and almond rice milk (it needed using up) followed by my last two peanut butter cups :-( and a cup of decaf tea.
I decided to try and use up some of the tofu for my dinner. I chopped the tofu into small bite sized pieces and made up a marinade of toasted sesame oil, soy sauce, chinese five spice, fresh ginger and fresh garlic and left it in the fridge for a while. I then stir fried it with some savoy cabbage, carrot and red pepper with more ginger and soy sauce. It tasted really good.
For desert I made up some vanilla raspberry ripple ice cream. I blended a banana with a scoop of vanilla whey powder and a little hazelnut and rice milk. I then added some frozen raspberries and pulsed the blender so they were just slightly broken down and mixed in. I then poured the mixture into a freezeable container and left it for a few hours. It was delicious! I will probably add some vanilla extract the next time I make this to bring out the vanilla flavour even more.
Doesn't it look fabulous!

I'm probably going to finish the day with a cup of decaf tea and some green grapes to snack on while we watch our next movie (District 9, hope its good)
Drinks - water, green tea, decaf tea

If anyone has any recipes, tips or tricks for cooking with tofu I would love to hear them! After stir frying it I'm totally lost so help would be much appreciated!

Also just a quick mention of Tam's blog Salad and Sequins, she's having a giveaway of some marmite here which I have never tried and would certainly like to!

Hope that everyone's had a good week and has a wonderful weekend planned! I'm going to enjoy my last two days off to the full!


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