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The Big Christmas Food Shop

Does anyone else do a ‘Big Christmas Food Shop’? Every year me and James make a big trip to the supermarket to get stocked up with Christmas treats. We collect our loyalty points – in our case its Sainsbury’s Nectar points, and then cash them in. We always go the week before Christmas and wait until a bit later in the evening to make best use of the shops extended opening hours when its quieter – I can not stand grocery shopping in a busy supermarket, I get trolley rage!

Here’s some of the stuff we got:

cameraroll-1324328452.234134The best hummus in the world – Sabra! Unfortunately they didn’t have any of my favourite garden herbs variety in stock so I had to make do with the plain. Still awesome though!

cameraroll-1324328446.826809Selection of olives and some pittas – will be perfect with the hummus. I’m looking forward to lots of snacky plates!

cameraroll-1324328443.927145Christmas fruits – dates, pink lady apples, satsumas, pears, grapes and persimmon. I got the box of dates and persimmons from the green grocers at the weekend and I’m going to freeze the grapes for snacks – I love frozen grapes!

cameraroll-1324328441.189908Some treats from Alpro Soya – organic plain soy milk, vanilla soy milk and vanilla soy yoghurt. I don’t consume soy milk or yoghurt on a regular basis as I find it a bit too processed and sugary – but for Christmas they are perfect! I love the creaminess of soy milk and the vanilla version makes an awesome latte!

cameraroll-1324328438.351996Red wine, Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum and Jack Daniels – neither me or James are big drinkers but we do enjoy a tipple at Christmas time! We’ve both started to find Cola and Pepsi far too sugary so we drink the hard stuff straight up on the rocks (with a slice of lime for the rum!)

cameraroll-1324328435.496355Some stuff for snackies – pistachios, Canadian maple roasted nuts (NOM!) Ryvita sweet chilli and multi seed crackers, dry roasted nuts. James also got some shortbread, cookies and Cheesy Doritos!

cameraroll-1324328432.302832A few other bits and pieces – soy whip (which I got from the health food shop a few weeks ago), Lotus caramel biscuits, dark chocolate covered marzipan hearts (also bought a couple of weeks back), Alpro soya cream and chocolate puddings, dark chocolate chips.

We have our organic veg box scheduled for delivery on Friday too, then we will be all sorted! We are having Christmas lunch at my parents again this year, I’m going to attempt a couple of special recipes, which if they work I shall definitely share!

Do you do a ‘Big Christmas Shop’? What treats make their way into your trolley?


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