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Its a wonderful life

Hi everyone, hope you all had an amazing Christmas! I’ve had such a great time its been wonderful, here’s a bit of a recap of the last couple of days!

  Christmas Eve

xmas eve 1Post 30 min quickie DVD workout smoothie – banana, cranberries, vanilla sun warrior, soy milk topped with gingerbread cookie, pomegranate seeds and maple nut butter. Delicious Italian meal in Newcastle – veggie soup and massive plate of penne arriabiata.xmas eve 2I enjoyed lots of red wine – first in Newcastle with my Sis-in-law Katy and my friend Kate then at my Mam and Dad’s local pub with my friend Charlie, plus about 20 other friends and family!

cameraroll-1324837153.285964Bedtime snack plates with sabra hummus, veggies, seeded crackers, olives, stuffing balls, apple, persimmon and clemintines

Christmas Day

xmas dayEpic Christmas Day breakfast: festive loaded oats containing a chopped pear, lots of sweet mincemeat, vanilla soy milk, dark chocolate chips, gingerbread cookie, soy cream, white chocolate wonderful peanut butter and some star sprinkles. Plus an amazing latte with Christmas coffee, vanilla soy milk and amaretto liquor topped with some soy whip and cinnamon.

Xmas pressies Pressies! Chocolates (including posh booja booja ones!), tea and coffee, pj’s socks and undies, Cook Veg Everyday, DVD’s and Two Door Cinema Club CD, Lush smellies, nail varnishes, pretty magnets and a Paperchase address book.xmas day 2Christmas Lunch! Started with Leek and Roasties soup then Stuffed Seitan Roll, stuffing balls, roast veggies followed by a large slice of salted caramel chocolate mousse cake.


Had a craving for green! After Christmas dinner feeling bloated and sugared out I made a quick simple green smoothie in a mug – spinach, frozen banana and honey.


Snacky dessert plate with booja booja chocies, mint chocolate, dark chocolate covered marzipan heart, hersey’s dark chocolate kisses, maple roasted nuts and frozen grapes.

cameraroll-1324917497.352508Me and James on Christmas Day!

I did feel a bit worse for wear on Christmas morning after the red wine, but it was nice to enjoy a festive drink for a change, especially with so many of my friends and family! We spent Christmas morning at my sisters watching my nephews opening presents before having lunch at my Mam and Dad’s. Father Christmas has been very good to me again this year, as well as pressies I got a couple of gift vouchers and some shopping spending money. I can’t wait to hit the sales today!

How was your Christmas? What was your favourite gifts to give and to receive? I feel so lucky to have got so many lovely things, I’ve already been planning the recipes I’d like to try from Cook Veg Everyday and the Hazelnut Booja Booja truffles are to die for!

Have you been enjoying plenty of foodie treats? I’m working very hard on not feeling guilty for indulging in so much chocolate (I ate a lot yesterday!), I’ve been eating till I’m happily stuffed! Hope you’ve all had an amazing Christmas!


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