Still addicted to muesli!
Today has been a little better on the diet front, as the last two days have been crap. Went shopping this morning and spent a fortune (compared to usual) on food, but I was planning on doing some cooking so that was fair enough. Ended up making a batch of brocolli and cauliflower soup and then made a chilli for the first time ever. The recipe I used was 300g of lean mince, 300g of quorn mince (to try and keep a bit lower fat) a chopped onion, one clove of garlic and a chopped orange pepper. Once I'd fried these I then added a tin of chopped tomatoes and quickly realised that there wasnt enough! Had to raid the cupboard and grab a jar of dolmio to make it up. Then I added a tin of drained kidney beans, a tablespoon of balsamic vinigar and a teaspoon of hot chilli powder. It was very nice, made enough for 4 batches so have frozen some for quick meals. My addiction to muesli continues as I can't seem to just have one bowl at a time!
So my meals today were -
Breakfast - Oats soaked in skimmed milk with a grated apple
Lunch - a slice of stoneground wholemeal with two poached eggs followed by a handful of grapes
Snack - two bowls of sugar free muesli with skimmed milk
Dinner - bowl of chilli
Snack - two slices of ginger cake
Drinks - plenty of water, cup of green tea, lemon and ginger tea and decaf tea
No exercise today as I try and make Sunday my rest day.
So my meals today were -
Breakfast - Oats soaked in skimmed milk with a grated apple
Lunch - a slice of stoneground wholemeal with two poached eggs followed by a handful of grapes
Snack - two bowls of sugar free muesli with skimmed milk
Dinner - bowl of chilli
Snack - two slices of ginger cake
Drinks - plenty of water, cup of green tea, lemon and ginger tea and decaf tea
No exercise today as I try and make Sunday my rest day.
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