Getting set for the future, the month that was July
I can’t quite believe that we are now in August! July was a pretty fantastic month for me, I feel like I’ve done so much!
I enjoyed a great sunny day out in Newcastle!
I signed up with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition to become a holistic health coach which has been a huge step for me towards my future, exciting times! So far the course has been great, I’m enjoying it so much! I’ve also made a lot of progress with my business planning and I *think* I finally have a name for my new company. I have also made up a big action plan to keep me on track.
I was very excited to buy my new Vitamix which is just amazing, I use it once a day at the very least and I’ve been loving experimenting with it. Of course the month ended really well with Kendal Calling! I feel I’ve achieved most of my goals for the month.
Another key thing to note from this month is that I did not run once. Not a single time. And you know what? I haven’t ballooned in weight (I haven’t reduced my food intake from when I was running either), I’m feeling much happier in myself and I’m loving my workouts more than ever. I’ve also looked at how my diet has evolved and re introduced some animal products and started to move towards eating a lot more fat and protein in recognition of what makes me feel at my best.
I also shared some thoughts on coming up to turning 30, my vlog on sugar alternatives and the following recipes:
- Raw Millionaires Shortbread
- Courgette, date and pecan bread
- Perfect Tofu
- Magical Cold Busting Smoothie
Here’s another vlog for you sharing my July faves, enjoy!
Aims for August
- Enjoy my 30th Birthday!
- Get my glow back
- Start to move away from calorie counting and weighing myself
- Continue up with my IIN course work
- Keep better financial records
- Do more yoga
The biggie this month is of course my birthday! I can’t wait! The next couple of weeks are going to be very busy getting ready for it and my party. In time for my birthday I would like to re focus a bit on my diet. I’ve been finding that over the last two weeks, having cold and then the festival has left me feeling quite run down and lack lustre and I’m definitely wanting to sort that out before my birthday. I’ve made a good start this week by eating really well, lots of fresh raw foods and giving myself lots of TLC.
I am also now feeling like I can safely move away from calorie counting and weighing myself. I was doing this to help me become familiar with eating the right amount for my body but I feel like I’m doing a pretty good job of that right now and I don’t want to be calorie counting for the rest of my life! I’ve also reminded myself that there isn’t anything the scale can tell me that the mirror can’t, so I’m ready to ditch it yet again.
Keeping up with my IIN work is also essential for me and I would also like to re focus on being organised around my finances – not cutting back, just being keeping track more – I’ve got a post on this coming up soon. If I want to run my own business sometime in the future I need to start getting into some good habits!
I also decided to continue with my Yogaglo subscription for a while longer as I have been enjoying their videos so much and they fit in with my life really well at the moment. Generally I just want to do more yoga because it makes me feel good!
August Sponsors
I’d like to welcome back my lovely sponsors Teavivre, iHerb, Goodness Direct and Viva Pure, check out the links for some great discount deals. I am also welcoming back the fabulous Lazy Giraffe and Coyo, check them out! For August, I am delighted to welcome a new sponsor:
Trumi bars! I have a review for these fantastic vegan snack bars coming soon but please do take a look! I’m also working on sorting out a couple of fantastic giveaways and discount codes too so stay tuned!
How was July for you? Do you have any aims for August?
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