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Snack attack!

I don't know what's been with me the last couple of days but I have been feeling so hungry! On Sunday night I ended up snacking on rice cakes, babybels, raisins and brazil nuts. Last night (ok so all I had for my dinner was a 9 bar at 5.45 so I shouldn't be too hard on myself) I came in from the Theatre and had an apple, then a bowl of jumbo oats with hazelnut and almond rice milk, then three rice cakes and a thick slice of edam, I was ravenous! I just hope it doesn't show on the scales on Friday.

Anyway, the Theatre night was really good. The play was excellent and really got you thinking as it was looking at terrorism and the effects of terrorism, the involvement of the media and Islam. The buffet was crap, soggy white bread sandwiches, crisps in bowls and rotten looking sausage rolls, yuck! Hence I ended up just sticking to my 9 bar.

This morning I had my first go of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, Level 1 and the first circuit of Level 2 to bring it up to just under 30 mins. My. God. I had watched it through over the weekend and had thought it looked ok but I was totally knackered! I even thought I might have to go down to lighter weights as I was having difficulty holding my form when performing some of the moves! I did enjoy it though, and I love that it really tested my body. After that I needed a seriously yummy breakfast to recover so I made a chocolate cherry smoothie with some frozen cherries, scoop of chocolate whey, hazelnut and almond rice milk, skimmed milk, oats and ground flax. It was wonderful!

Have been really rushed off my feet at work at the moment, more overtime is calling me thinks. I was glad to break for lunch and I had another apple and bean salad.

The salad really filled me up but when I popped to the fruit and veg shop to pick up another cucumber to go with my dinner tonight they had some delicious looking fat clemintines on sale so I bought 4 of those and had one after my dinner.

I was stuck in a boring meeting most of the afternoon and some evil person had stuck the plate of chocolate chip cookies right in front of me. All I could smell was them, they were calling my name! I resisted the urge though, I try and tell myself that if I'm going to eat something unhealthily then at least make it something you really really want, and make it a cheat worth having!

My mid afternoon snack was more reduced fat red pepper houmous with carrot and cucumber sticks and a couple of pitta chips.

For dinner I made chicken hoi sin pancake wraps. I had been inspired by FattoLean who has made omelette wraps which look totally yum and protein tastic! I have wanted to make these for ages and these didn't disapoint! I made up a pancake batter with 3 egg whites and a tablespoon of spelt flour and made a big pancake / omeletty type thing. I then spread some hoi sin sauce over the pancake, topped that with some shredded deli chicken and chopped spring onions and cucumber. Not quite the same as the little aromatic duck pancakes you get at restaurants but still a tasty healthy alternative.

Desert was some natural yoghurt with frozen raspeberries and a little bit of cocoa powder mixed in for a chocolate hit.

Drinks - water, green tea, decaf tea, regular tea

I'm going to try really, really hard not to snack tonight. I know its just boredom rather than my body needing the fuel so I think I need some distraction techniques. Its going to be tough as I'm still feeling hungry right now! How do other people deal with evening snacking?


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