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Adventures in Majorca!

Hi Everyone, I've just got back from my brilliant week in Majorca! I've definitely missed my blogging and reading all of your blogs too ;-)

My holiday has been great, but my eating has been very naughty! It didn't start very well when I had a major binge session at my parents house the night before we left. I binged on pizza, garlic bread and chocolate digestives. It was ridiculous and I felt really ill because I had ate so much. Its been a very long time since I've had a really bad binge. You would have thought that making myself feel so ill from overeating would ensure that I ate a little more sensibly while away but unfortunately that didn't happen!

We stayed in Cala Bona on the east coast of Majorca in a hotel called the Protur Alicia on a half board basis. The hotel was lovely, and the food was delicious! A typical days eats started with breakfast at the hotel. They had a great selection of foods. I tended to stick to fruit (melon, pineapple, tinned peach and pear), the most wonderful creamy greek yoghurt with honey and banana chips, muesli with all bran and sunflower seeds and skimmed milk and a wholemeal bread roll with butter and jam. A couple of mornings I did treat myself to a croissant with some chocolate hazelnut spread!

Peaches, pears, greek yoghurt, muesli, sunflower seeds, banana chips, honey

Muesli with sunflower seeds and fruit

Muesli with all bran and skimmed milk, wholemeal bread roll with jam and butter

At the begining of the week breakfast was keeping me really full so I wasn't eating much during the day. This didn't last long as my tummy started playing up so I needed to try and eat more often. I would pop an apple in my bag at breakfast and eat it as a snack mid morning.

I picked up 'Eat, Pray, Love' at the airport as I had read a few different reviews of the book and fancied giving it a try. I haven't finished it yet, but I've enjoyed reading it so far.

I found a great little cafe that would make me up a roast chicken salad. They even served green tea!

I also tried a couple of omelettes -

Cheese omelette with chips and salad (I couldn't resist the chunky chips!)

Spanish Omelette with salad

My other favourite day time treats included -

Gorgeous coffee with fresh cream

Fresh orange juice

Caramel, cookies and cream and chocolate hazelnut ice cream which was amazing!

Evening meals were served buffet style at the hotel, which I have now firmly realised is not good for me as I have no control! I started off really well with a plate from the salad bar that usually included lettuce, carrot, beetroot, onion and tuna topped with a delicious spicy mojo sauce or tzatziki.

Depending on what dishes were available I would then have some grilled fish, turkey or chicken with veggies.

Grilled salmon with veggies and stuffed pepper

Some nights I tried a few other dishes -

Turkey with spring rolls, chilli and rice and peas

Chicken in almond sauce with vegetable rice, brussel sprouts, spinach rolls and lasagne

Then came desert! This is where all my good intentions flew out the window. I would often have two servings of desert which included various ice creams (the coconut flavour was my favourite), fresh pineapple and melon, gorgeous cardamon scented rice pudding, various cakes and trifles and some lovely coconut and strawberry mousse. If I'd eaten ice cream during the day I wouldn't have it again at dinner and instead would have more cake ;-)

Pineapple, melon, bowl of triffle and coconut mousse with crunchy topping, slice of passion fruit cake

Then we would go out for a drink, which for me was cocktails!

During the week I did make an effort to keep active. The weather on the first full day was rainy and cold so we all hit the indoor pool and gym area. I did a quick 20 minute workout on the step machine and spin bike which was brilliant. Luckily that was the only day with poor weather, the rest of the week was hot and sunny! I made sure that I had a good swim in the pool each day (I challenged myself to do 20 lengths), I walked everyday, and each morning I would get up and do 10 - 20 minutes of either abs exercises and push ups / tricep dips etc or a 10 minute cardio workout were I would set the stop watch on my phone and do a different cardio exercise a minute for 10 minutes, such as jogging on the spot, star jumps, shadow boxing etc. I would do this while the hubby was in the shower and it worked really well at waking me up, getting the blood pumping, and hopefully kick starting my metabolism! We even hired a bike one morning and went cycling. Cala Bona has an excellent bike path right through it and on to the neighbouring resort.

I think in terms of my healthy living aims the negatives were eating far too large portions, too much desert (sugar and fat) and too much alcohol! On the positive side I made sure that I stayed active, I always ate at least five fruit and vegetables a day and I ate plenty of beautiful healthy grilled fish, turkey and chicken.

Anyway, I've decided that I'm not going to beat myself up about it, I really enjoyed myself at the end of the day! I'm going to jump on the scales in the morning and see what the damage is (I wouldn't be suprised at a gain of 5 - 7 lbs). I plan to have few weeks of very 'clean' eating and exercise to get myself back on track.

I did bring back some goodies with me! I love looking around supermarkets when I'm abroad and I couldn't resist bringing back -

German chocolate - extra dark, dark with hazelnut, dark peppermint and dark amaretto flavoured

Rye bread - linseed, hazelnut, fruit bread

Italian Amaretto - I love this with orange or cranberry juice!

All in all, we had a fantastic holiday. It was lovely to spend time together as a whole family (my parents, sister, brother in law, nephew and hubby all came along) and although Majorca wouldn't be my usual holiday choice (I prefer somewhere a little less touristy, you didn't really get much of a sense of Spanish culture) the resort was really pleasant with a beautiful beach - I got to swim in the sea which is my favourite!

I'll leave you with a few more pics, including one of me in a bikini! I can't believe I'd ever feel comfortable enough in myself to post a photo like that on the internet! I would still like to work on my tummy and legs but I like my curvy figure and compared to photos of me in a bikini a few years ago I think I don't look to bad!

I feel really refreshed and re-motivated from the holiday, I can't wait to get back into my running, fitness and healthy eats! Hope you have all had a good week, looking forward to catching up with you all! xxxxx


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