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Let there be light


On Friday evening I visited the Durham Lumiere Festival. I live in a suburb of the beautiful medieval City of Durham, and the Lumiere Festival takes place right across the city featuring over 30 light installations by a variety of artists including Tracey Emin (I love her!).

Me and James met up with my Mam and Dad for a walk around the city. It really was a breath taking evening, especially the amazing ‘Crown of Light’ installation that projected images on to the side of the spectacular Durham Cathedral:

P1110657 P1110660 P1110671

Other installations we saw included lots of glowing flying mesh figures, a brightly rainbow coloured lit tunnel, a giant glowing snow globe, another brightly coloured piece made from recycled plastic bottles and the beautifully lit Railway bridge arches:


P1110679P1110687  P1110683


P1110688 cameraroll-1321725433.479666 OOTD: fair isle hat and scarf: Next, Purple Princess Coat: Oasis, stripy tee: Zara, gold chain necklace: Topshop, Tan bag: H&M

I decided to bust out the warm hat and scarf, it was pretty chilly walking around outside!

I’ve still been healthy feasting over the weekend so have mostly been eating smoothies, salads and lots of fresh fruit:

CIMG1802Beet greens, frozen blueberries, frozen strawberries, strawberry hemp protein powder, water, ice topped with almond butter and freeze dried berries

P1110708Spring greens, pear, frozen blueberries, vanilla sun warrior protein powder, water, ice, flaked almonds and freeze dried berries on top

CIMG1808 Spring greens, 1/2 frozen banana, courgette, roast kabocha squash, vanilla sun warrior protein powder, water, ice, cinnamon, ground ginger topped with more cinnamon, maple syrup, buckwheaties, shoyu roasted squash seeds

I got some giant persimmons from the green grocers that are so sweet and delicious:

CIMG1805 Persimmon with clemintines

I’ve also been drinking the usual green juice:

P1110705 Cucumber, celery, kale stems, ginger, lemon

Even though I’ve been healthy feasting I’ve still enjoyed getting a bit experimental. First up I tried making some ‘walnut lemon cheese’ to go on top of this beautiful salad with golden beets:


The salad included raw black kale massaged with hemp oil and lemon juice, romaine lettuce, alfalfa sprouts and regular and golden beets. I made the walnut cheese using 1/3 cup of soaked walnuts, lemon juice, garlic, sweet white miso and parsley. It worked well but as I only made one portion it didn’t blend so well in my processor. It tasted delicious though!

Today I had my first try of kelp noodles!


I got these from Viva Pure ages ago and thought it was about time I tried them! I soaked them in warm water for 10 minutes to soften and then mixed with a spiralised courgette and carrot. I made a dressing using tahini, sweet white miso, fresh ginger, ume vinegar and water and topped with raisins and black sesame seeds. It was wonderful! You can’t really taste the kelp noodles but they have a nice texture, and of course they are very good for you!

This morning I went out for a relaxed run. As I’m on my set back week I decided to go out without the Garmin for a change. I think I did about 4 miles but have no idea what time I did it in. It was a mega misty morning and such a pleasant run! The rest of the day has been almost perfect: hot shower after my run, green smoothie for breakfast followed by a morning of baking (can’t wait to share the recipes!) and an afternoon movie. All that could have made it better would have been a cup of coffee!

November Giveaway winners

Good Hemp Oils:

winner 5

winner 2


Lara and Lauren!

Linwoods Super Foods:

winner 3

winner 4

Flaxseed and Gojs: Rachel, Flaxseed, Pumpkinseed and Sunflower seed: Jessica 

Congratulations ladies! Can you all email me at laura@keepinghealthygettingstylish.com with your addresses and I’ll get these posted out.

Next week I have a pretty crazy one with several events and work and a couple of late nights so I’m going to make the most of the rest of my Sunday! I’m also looking forward to getting stuck into my workouts next week, I’ll probably blog more about how my set back and week of healthy feasting has gone soon. Hope your all having a wonderful weekend!


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