jual kayu murah menerima order bahan


I'm really loving the light mornings at the moment, they do a very good job of waking me up at 5am! I don't mind it really, I love that time in bed when you can just lie there with your thoughts before you have to get up. When I did eventually drag myself out of bed it was to do my Davina Top Fit DVD to blast my upper body. For breakfast I tried out a new smoothie idea:

Green Tea and Mixed Berries Smoothie (in a bowl if you want)

1 cup of cooled green tea (I used Tea Pigs Mao Feng)
About 1 1/2 cups of Frozen mixed berries (use more for a thicker, bowl worthy smoothie)
3 tablespoons of oats
Scoop of vanilla whey (optional)
Tablespoon of ground flax
Splash of milk (I used kara coconut milk)

Blend all ingredients and serve. If serving in a bowl top with grape nuts, chopped nuts or muesli.

This was very thick indeed, like eating fruity ice cream for breakfast!

Lunch was a total salad beast - quinoa, feta cheese, cucumber, carrot, red pepper, spring onion, courgette and chopped mint served on a bed of spinach and mixed salad leaves and topped with a squeeze of lemon juice.

I followed that with some strawberries and a juicy sweet nectarine.

Mid afternoon I had some more spicy lentil dip with sugar snap peas and cucumber for dipping.

As I had a late meeting I snacked on an apple to hold me over.

Dinner was an old frozen stash of home made chilli with some spinach and mixed salad leaves.

Desert was a bowl of low fat fromage frais with agave and flaked almonds, simple but lovely!

Today I finally got round to sorting out my Twitter account! If your on Twitter please come and follow me I'm @keepingslimblog.

I've also been doing a little bit of research for some Big Budget Challenge saving ideas. I really fancy making some things for around the flat. I came across these hand made canvases from mybirdy.

These are made using Cath Kidson paper, I love the vintage style. I think I could make something similar for my living room or kitchen. I also love this vintage style word art from William Dohman.

I'm thinking I could paint a canvas up with a quote in that style of lettering and get some printed paper in the design too. So much inspiration, I've just been full of ideas! What has inspired you today?


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