jual kayu murah menerima order bahan

Bargains and Blog Love

Hi Everyone, I hope all of your weeks are going well. I'm so happy we've reached the half way mark!

I had a lovely breakie this morning - hazelnut rye bread spread with quark and black cherry jam with a big pink grapefruit.

This is some of the German rye bread I brought home from Majorca. I've frozen them all so I can just pull out a couple of slices when I fancy. Check out those hazelnut pieces!

This did a great job of keeping me full till my mid morning snack which was the last of my spicy lentil dip with veggies for dipping.

So love this dip, will definitely be buying it again!

Before lunch I headed out on to the little high street were I work and checked out a couple of charity shops then headed to Lidl to see if I could pick up some bargains. I was looking for some greek yoghurt as recomended by JAG, but I couldn't find it. Instead I got some fruit and veg - a butternut squash, bananas, cos lettuce, rhubard and an avocado. I thought the prices were excellent!

Lunch was same as yesterday - my quinoa and feta salad beast, followed by strawberries and a nectarine.

I snacked on a bag of nakd pineapple raisins for pre gym fuel then went and did 30 minutes of sweaty intervals followed by usual abs and headed home to do a 20 minute Yoga for Runners flow.

Dinner was wonderful Turkey and Vegetable Kebabs made using turkey steaks, yellow pepper, courgette and red onion cooked on the griddle pan served on top of some stir fried spring greens and topped with some home made spicy peanut sauce.

This sauce was amazing, I'll be using it on everything now!

Spicy Peanut Sauce

1 heaped teaspoon of smooth peanut butter
3 tablespoons of coconut milk (I used kara coconut milk)
2 tablespoons of light soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon of chilli (I just used some lazy chilli)
1/2 teaspoon of ginger (again, I used the lazy ginger)

Combine all ingredients in a little bowl. This was delicious on the kebabs but would also work really well as a stir fry sauce or as a sauce for chicken. Delish!

For desert I decided to indulge in a Protein Frappe. I didn't have any ice cubes in the freezer so I added a handful of frozen blueberries along with a scoop of vanilla whey, coffee and kara coconut milk. I also had a granny smith apple.

I got pretty excited today when I discovered that Amazon will be selling groceries, including organic and vegan ranges. I think some Clif Bars may find their way into my basket next time I'm buying from Amazon! Which of course won't be for the next three months until my Big Budget Challenge is completed :-( I've always wanted to try Clif Bars after seeing them on so many U.S blogs. I also spotted some lovely looking teas, amaretto coffee, RAW crackers and fruit bars, buckwheat and rice bread and dark chocolate dreams peanut butter.

A big thankyou to everyone who is now following me on Twitter, I've been really enjoying it! I also just want to say a big thank you to everyone who comments on my posts, I love all your comments so keep them coming! I think I just realised today how much I love blogging and the blogging community. I'm so glad I have a place to talk about my passions! Well I am off to make my lunch ready for tomorrow and to make up a couple of Mint Chocolate Tofu Puddings for dinner tomorrow night. See ya! x


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