jual kayu murah menerima order bahan

iHerb haul

Hi Everyone, huge thank you to those that commented on yesterday’s post, thankfully I’m feeling completely back to my old self!

Today kicked off with Level 3 of the 30 Day Shred. I’ll be changing up my DVD’s for next month so this was my last shredding session for a while. I can’t say I’m going to miss it!

For breakfast I decided to make some super creamy pumpkin porridge on the stove. I used the same ingredients as the last time I made it but used plain scottish oats instead of the Rude Health Fruity Date and added a huge tablespoon of full fat greek yoghurt. I topped this bowl with two chopped dried figs and some flaked almonds. I also made a cup of my gingerbread coffee.


Such a great breakfast, the porridge was amazingly creamy but the coffee wasn’t as gingerbready as I’d hoped. I think I need to use a little more ground coffee to my cafetiere and add some agave to bring out the sweetness.

Lunch was some of my Chickpea and Vegetable Curry from the freezer served with some spinach and steamed cabbage with a little soy sauce. I also had a pear.


Mid afternoon I snacked on some hummus with carrot and seeded crackers plus a jazz apple.


I headed off to my yoga class which was brilliant again, we did a mix of standing and sitting postures and ended with a shoulder stand which I was really chuffed I could manage.

After yoga I went to Costas but since I had drank coffee this morning (and I knew anymore coffee would keep me awake until who knows when) I went for a green tea to drink along with the slice of apple and parsnip bread and jazz apple I’d brought with me.


Earlier today my iHerb order arrived, I was like a kid at Christmas! This is what I ordered:

CIMG7941 CIMG7943 CIMG7944

Sun Warrior Raw Vegan Protein Powder in Chocolate and Vanilla flavour, Bob’s Red Mill Vital Wheat Gluten, Guar Gum and 10 Grain Hot Cereal, Spiru-tein Fruitein Rainbow Protein Powder, Nutiva Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Eden Foods Ume Plum Vinegar, Luna Chocolate Peppermint Stick Bars, Lundburg Sweet Dreams Organic Brown Rice Syrup.

Ok, this cost a bloody fortune, however (I’m only justifying this spending to myself by the way) I had the money available, I’m selling my old stock of processed whey powder to my sis in law, and above all else - this makes me happy! Some people are into keeping horses, others are into motorbikes, this is my little hobby and its cheaper than either of those!  Ok justification over ;-)

I’ve always wanted to try Sun Warrior and as I’m trying to clean up my eats alongside eating a more plant based diet so I though protein powders would be a good place to start. This is made from brown rice protein, has an amazingly short ingredients list and is vegan. Yes, this is a lot more expensive than my usual whey but I’m planning on eating it in moderation anyway.

With the Bob’s Red Mill products I plan to try making my own Seitan with the vital wheat gluten, using the guar gum in my beloved protein ice creams (guar gum adds creaminess) and basically the hot cereal seemed pretty cheap and tasty!

As for the Fruitein powder, I had tried a sachet a few months ago and thought it was delicious. It’s still processed and not vegan (it contains bee pollen) but the nutritional stats are very impressive and it tastes lovely.

I’ve read about coconut oil across the blog world pretty much since I started blogging and I basically want to see what the fuss is about! I certainly plan to try making homemade chocolate with it!

The Ume Vinegar is an ingredient I read about in The Kind Diet and fancied giving it a try, along with the brown rice syrup which you in the same way as agave or maple syrup.

I’ve also wanted to try Luna bars for ages and the chocolate peppermint stick flavour sounded right up my street!

So with all of this stuff my kitchen is in serious need of re organisation. I’ll be spending the weekend doing a Monica from Friends impression. I’ll also report back as and when I try these products out.

I’m off out tomorrow night (yey!) with my sis in law so I’m going to take the night off from the blog. But hope you check back over the weekend as I have loads to blog about including my first organic veg box delivery, a new haircut (I’m still on the fence about going for a big change!) and I might even show you the state of my kitchen cupboards! Hope you have a great weekend :-)


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