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Greek yoghurt galore

Last night I mentioned that I had received a special delivery - check out this amazing haul of Total Greek Yoghurt!


I’ve kindly been sent these tubs of Total 0% fat and regular Greek Yoghurt to sample to my hearts content. As a long standing fan of Total 0% fat Greek yoghurt I’m pretty excited. Obviously I’ll be eating my way through this over the next couple of weeks and I have some great recipe ideas. When I’m done I’ll be posting a full review of the products. As I have a few product reviews coming up I have developed a full disclosure and policies page (see the pages list on the left hand side of the blog) which explains my review policy. Basically, I will always be giving my honest opinion on any products I may review for the blog including all the positives and negatives.

Anyway, on to today’s eats. Breakfast was two slices of toasted fruited rye bread with almond butter and a bowl of banana and strawberries on the side.


Mid morning I snacked on some fromage frais with walnuts and goji berries.


Lunch was more of my Basil Tofu salad from last night followed by strawberries.

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Gym fuel was these lovely We are Bear Cherry Berry Fruit Nibbles:


I did my usual HIIT (high intensity interval training) workout for 45 minutes followed by abs.

Dinner was a delicious stir fry with chicken breast, spinach, courgette, orange pepper, carrots, soya beans and red onion with ginger and soy sauce.


Desert was a tasty chocolate orange protein cake (1 scoop of chocolate whey, 1 egg white, 2 heaped teaspoons of apple and blueberry puree, 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon of natural orange flavouring combined and microwaved on high for 2 minutes) and a chopped apple.


I’ve also had another apple to fill me right up.

Quick update on my Big Budget Challenge – I’m still plugging away and to date I haven’t broken any of my rules! I managed to pay my credit card off at the beginning of the month and my aim is not to use any more credit. I have to learn to live within my means. I’ve loved using ebay to sell old clothes and make some money and I have plenty more items stored away under my bed ready to be sold. One of the aims of my Big Budget Challenge was to stop frittering my money away on little things and spend more strategically. Having planned ‘sprees’ such as the ones I had in Brighton, on my birthday and for my Home week have worked well so that I still feel like I’m enjoying life but I’m not wasting money or sticking stuff on the credit card whenever I fancy.

While I’m talking about budgeting I saw this fantastic post on Kath Eats Real Food – I thought these tips were excellent for saving money and being healthy:

  • Our grocery cart is 90% fruits and veggies, often with a sprinkle of dairy, some canned goods, dry grains and the occasional meat. Think about what you want your dinner plate to look like when you fill your cart.
  • I think about the cost per serving when I eat. For ex) sardines = super cheap per serving. Deli meat = very expensive. I generally put one “expensive” thing in my cart each week, like goat cheese, smoked salmon, olives. If you get all the expensive ones at once, you’ll eat them all before you know it!
  • When I do buy meat, I get only the portion that we need for one meal – like half a pound of grass-fed beef or two fish filets. I rarely buy meat frozen or in bulk, mostly because I don’t think it’s that appealing that way.
  • I rarely buy things in boxes (used to buy Kashi crackers and cereals all the time!). I try to use what I do have and what is much less expensive – oats, bulk grains, homemade bread instead of buying it pre-made in a box. Chips are the exception!
  • Most of our dinners really do revolve around vegetables with the exception of one or two each week. Save expensive meats for restaurants when you’ll already be spending more anyways and eat cheap beans while you’re at home.
  • I rarely buy desserts at the grocery store. I’ll wait to get a dessert (like a box of chocolates) as a gift or just save dessert for going out for yogurt or something.

I thought these were excellent tips. I’ve certainly started reducing the amount of meat I eat and I’ve started to eat more beans. I probably need to work on only getting one expensive item a week!

I’m really looking forward to experimenting with my Greek Yoghurt. Are you a Greek Yoghurt fan? If so what’s your favourite way to enjoy it?


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