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Working out in All Stars

Hello guys, hope you are having a great day :-) I’ve had a really lovely weekend so far, its been quite blissful indeed, we haven’t been far or done much but sometimes that is just what you need!

71163e64cd7f11e1b23022000a1cbb39_7Coffee love

On Friday evening I went to see my sister, nephews and parents then came home and cleaned the flat – love getting the cleaning all done! Yesterday morning we popped out to Tesco for some groceries and sleeping bags ready for Kendal Calling in two weeks, and today I was out at the gym for my Kettle bell class.

Other than that I have been spending time with the man in my life, and by man of course I am referring to the Vitamix, oh and and I may have also talked to my husband occasionally ;-) Some of the things I’ve whipped up include this bowl of protein ice cream with frozen raspberries, chocolate chip spiru-tein and topped with crumbled Popchips:

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Oh and I’m not the only crazy person putting crisps with sweet desserts ;-)

This morning post kettle bells I made a massive green smoothie with spinach, fresh pineapple, vanilla sun warrior protein powder and a small handful of fresh coriander:

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The coriander added a really interesting flavour. This shows you just how big I make my smoothies, they always fill the blender and give me at least two full glasses!

For lunch I decided to experiment and make a Raw Thai Carrot Soup:

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In to the Vita went 6 carrots, 1 red pepper, a couple of spring onions, slice of fresh ginger, 1 tbsp shoyu, 2 tbsp coconut butter, coriander and water (made 2 servings worth). I served it with Raw Health flax crackers. Seriously this is absolutely amazing, it will be getting made again for sure!

For breakfast yesterday I had been thinking about making a big smoothie but I tasted the fruit as I was chopping it and it was too good to be blended up! I ended up making a fruit snacking plate with almond butter for dipping and just having a green smoothie on the side:

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The smoothie was simply a head of romaine, vanilla sun warrior, water, ice and a few drops of vanilla stevia whipped up. This morning I didn’t want a large breakfast before kettle bells so I made some oats in a jar:

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I’ve just ordered more of that brand of almond butter from iHerb. It has agave and flaxseed blended into it and it really is super creamy. I just cooked the oats on the stove in water with a pinch of pink salt and vanilla stevia, my fave way to make oats right now.

I had a fridge full of courgettes to use up so made some into noodles and topped with the last of my green goddess dressing mixed with a lot more tahini and sweet white miso:

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I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of big bowls of creamy raw courgette noodles! Snacks wise, along with the usual green juice, I’ve been having berries and rice cakes with nut butter:

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Those blackberries were delicious! Last night for dinner I had some perfect tofu with broccoli and a sunflower seed butter stuffed sweet potato:

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Love this meal! Tonight I’m planning on using the tofu in my Tofu and Sweet Potato Hash, its been too long!

The weekend would also not be complete without chocolate of course:

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Almonds, sea salt and dark chocolate = heaven!

This morning I decided to try working out in my Converse All Stars for a change:


I’ve been working out in my very old running shoes which have a lot of cushioning for over pronation. What I’ve been finding when doing strength training it that I have trouble really feeling like my feet are being grounded, especially for squats and deadlifts. I wore these for kettle bells this morning and they were brilliant, I can imagine they’d be good for Body Pump too. I could do with some new trainers but until then I think I’ll be sticking with my All Stars!

What kind of shoes do you work out in? Do you have different foot ware for different forms of exercise? How’s your weekend been?


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