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Getting the right support

Today’s breakfast was hot cereal with pears, apricots and cinnamon. I cooked 1/4 cup of hot cereal with 1/2 cup of hazelnut and almond rice milk and 1/2 cup of water on the stove top and added 1 chopped pear, 4 chopped dried un sulphured apricots, 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1 teaspoon of ground flax and nut mix and a teaspoon of apple and pear butter for sweetness.


I also made myself a wonderful juice with apple, carrot, celery and ginger. I added some spirulina, acai juice and milk thistle and echinacea tincture.


This was a great start to the day!

Lunch was a big bowl of home made vegetable soup and 2 sliced kiwis.


I’m experimenting with leaving the furry skin on and I quite liked it!

Mid afternoon I snacked on two cherry bakewell babies and an orange.


I then hit the gym and did 30 minutes of HIITs on the cross trainer, step machine and bike. I then did my strength routine the same as Tuesday but with a couple of changes, additions, heavier weights and fewer reps:

  • Incline push up on bench (body weight, 7 reps, 6 reps, 5 reps)
  • Stiff legged dead lift (10 reps x 3 with 18kg barbell)
  • Chest fly on stability ball (10 reps x 3 with 2 x 5kg db)  
  • Bent over row with tricep kick back (10 reps x 3 with 2 x 4kg db)
  • Shoulder press with squat (7 reps x 3 with 2 x 7kg db)
  • Forward lunges with bicep curl (5 x each leg x 3 with 2 x 4kg db)
  • Backwards lunges with bicep curl (5 x each leg x 3 with 2 x 4kg db)
  • Upright row with sumo squat (10 reps x 3 with 2 x 6kg db)
  • Weighted sit up on stability ball (15 reps x 3 with 1 x 8kg db)
  • Lower back extension on stability ball (10 reps x 3 body weight)

    Instead of going through this like a circuit as I did on Tuesday I did 3 sets of each exercise with a minute rest between the sets.  I didn’t go too high with the weights as I wanted to be sure that I was keeping good form – next week I might increase again. This was a great workout, I know I’ll have DOMS tomorrow! It felt good to be challenging my muscles and I was really chuffed I managed a few incline push ups.

    For dinner I made a Thai Green Soya Bean and Veggie Curry:

    Thai Green Soya Bean and Veggie Curry (vegan, makes 3 servings)

    • 2 heaped tablespoons of Thai Green Curry Paste (I bought a vegan version without fish sauce or sugar)
    • 1 red pepper, thinly sliced
    • 1 onion, roughly chopped
    • 2 cups of frozen broccoli and cauliflower
    • 1 inch piece of ginger minced
    • 1 tin of reduced fat coconut milk
    • 1 carton of organic soya beans
    • 2 tablespoons of soy sauce

    Begin by lightly frying the curry paste, ginger, onion and pepper in a little oil (I used coconut oil) on a medium low heat. When the veggies have softened a little and the paste has become fragrant add the coconut milk and frozen veggies. Let the curry simmer until the veggies are tender and cooked through. Add the drained soya beans and the soy sauce. Simmer for a further 2 minutes or until the beans have warmed through then serve.



    I served mine with some stir fried cavolo nero and a brown and wild rice mix.

    Dessert was a big bowl of Vanilla Matcha Protein Ice Cream. I blended a scoop of vanilla sun warrior, oat milk, 1/2 teaspoon of matcha green tea powder, ice cubes, vanilla extract and xanthan and guar gums then topped with goji berries.


    Yesterday I bought myself a new sports bra along with some vest tops for the gym. I was getting desperate as two of my sports bras are far too big for me, I really needed something with better support. I went with this shock absorber one:


    I wish they weren’t so expensive! This was still pricey even though it was on sale, however I know how important a good sports bra is for working out so I don’t mind spending a bit on a decent one. I now have one running specific sports bra, one cheaper Marks and Spencer sports bra that I’m wearing for my lower impact home workouts / yoga and now I have this one for everyday gym wear. I may have littler boobs now (I’ve gone from a 38DD to a 34C) but I still like a lot of support!

    What’s your favourite brand of sports bra? I do like the shock absorber brand but I get tempted to try other stores and brands that are cheaper.

    So glad that the weekend is here having survived the first week of the year! I have a busy weekend ahead visiting family and friends (still no sign of my Sisters baby arriving!) and lots of time in the kitchen I hope. Hope your first week of 2011 has gone well!


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