Weddings and Reminiscing
Hello guys, hope you are enjoying your Sunday! I’ve had a really lovely weekend and today is our 4 year wedding anniversary! We aren’t doing anything special as we’ve enjoyed enough celebrations these last couple of weeks! We have been reminiscing though, especially as we attended the wedding party for my cousin Louise and her husband Nathan after they got married in Santorini a couple of weeks ago. We got married in Sorrento in Italy – it was fabulous! I have posted pictures of our wedding on the blog before if you want to take a peek! The party last night was lovely:
I wore my vintage floral dress with my nude skyscraper heels and minimal accessories – just a black leather look clutch and cuff for a bit more of an edge. The meal was yummy – moussaka, rice and salad with olives and a little mini Eton mess for dessert.
Yesterday morning I popped into town for a little bit of shopping with some birthday money and vouchers. I had planned on only being out a couple of hours so just had a light breakfast of melon, peach and a coconut milk blended iced coffee:
5 hours later I came home with a few goodies:
My favourite Aveda hair care products, some Weleda deodorant and emery boards
Necklaces, black trousers, stripy dress and oversize neutral coloured jumper all from H&M, under ware from M&S
Needless to say I inhaled my ‘brunch’ which I had been planning as pancakes but decided to have the quicker option of a two egg omelette filled with almond butter and sugar free strawberry jam plus some blackberries and blueberries on the side:
I also had a green smoothie to follow, and later on a huge fresh juice:
Carrot, cucumber, celery and ginger. It was lovely but much sweeter than I usually have my juices due to the carrots so I only managed half!
This morning I had a lovely breakfast before I went to the gym:
Baked sweet potato with peanut butter and strawberries, it was utterly delicious and great fuel for my Kettlecise class – I decided to use a bigger kettle bell for some of the moves and boy could I feel it!
Yesterday I cooked up a huge pot of chickpeas so I’ve been eating loads of them in with salads and I have a tasty recipe planned for tonight, however I couldn’t not make some hummus with them of course! I used my Vitamix to make it rather than the food processor and it gave it a fab smooth texture. I had some on top of a salad with beetroot and avocado:
Love this combo!
So I think we are going to chill out for the rest of the day. As I was saying I’m planning a nice meal for dinner later and we are going to cuddle up and watch a movie together :-)
How has your weekend been? What was the last wedding you went to? If you are married, what’s your wedding story?
P.S – don’t forget to check out my Myvitamins GIVEAWAY!
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