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Health shop haul, new magazines and tasty eats!

Thanks for all your comments to my 2010 review post! I loved hearing about how your year has been and look forward to reading about what you have achieved. I can’t believe we are now into the final few hours of 2010! This year has been such a good one but I’m eagerly awaiting the start of 2011.

Yesterday I woke up really pretty rotten and full of cold. I decided I would still do my usual DVD for a little strength workout as all my symptoms were above the neck. I made a well tasty breakfast of apple and sweet mincemeat oats topped with pecans and a drizzle of soy cream.


My last sweet mincemeat oats!

I started perking up a bit so I had a walk into town. While I was there I ended up having a splurge in Holland and Barrats on various bits and bobs that I intend to use as part of my January challenge as well as some other things:


I purchased:

  • Vita Coco Coconut Water – I love this stuff, great for hydrating you. I’m going to try it blended in smoothies
  • Dr Stuarts Detox Tea
  • Cool Oil – this is a great source of omega fats that I’m going to use on salads
  • Sweet Freedom sweetener – I’ve wanted to try this out for ages!
  • Acai juice – this is full of antioxidants – I’m going to add a shot of juice to smoothies and juices
  • Pure pear and apple spread – I’m going to add this to porridge and spread on top of sprouted wheat bread
  • Spirulina Greens Powder – derived from algae this is chock full of vitamins and minerals, I’m going to add this to smoothies and juices
  • Milk Thistle Tincture – milk thistle supports the liver and its role in the detoxing process, I’ll add a few drops to smoothies and juices
  • Echinacea Tincture – this is believed to help against colds and support the immune system
  • Vegan multi vits – as my plan for next month is vegan I thought it would be a good idea to take a multi vit to make sure I’m not missing anything
  • Emergen-C sachets – these sachets contain a range of vitamins to support the immune system
  • Bear fruit yoyos – love these!
  • Pecan Pie nakd bar

I had a really tasty lunch – leftover roast veggies in a toasted wholemeal wrap with chilli cheese served with roasted broccoli:

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This was so delicious! I had to use two wraps to hold it together as they had been in the freezer and had started breaking up. I also had 4 satsumas and some pomegranate seeds:


Mid afternoon I snacked on another serving of my Pumpkin, Rhubarb and Ginger mix topped with some Bear Apple Crumble Granola.


I also made myself a emergen-c drink with a few drops of Echinacea tincture to try and fight my cold:


Dinner was so so good! I saw a little bag of cubed butternut squash in M&S half price so I roasted it and made up a salad including a bag of mixed spinach, rocket and watercress, organic goats cheese, dried cranberries, chopped maple roasted nuts and a dressing made with extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar and Dijon mustard.


This salad was seriously the bomb! For dessert I polished off the remainder of my violet creams.


I love these so much! Before bed I had a small glass of red wine.

This morning I woke up feeling miles better – those emergen-c sachets must be good! I had a lovely big bowl of Dorset Cereal Muesli Nutty muesli with a chopped apple and vanilla soy milk and a glass of fresh orange juice for an extra dose of vit C:


I also had a Christmas coffee with vanilla soy milk and agave. I did a bit of grocery shopping and picked up these magazines:


Yoga Magazine and Ultra Fit. I’ve never bought these magazines before and I picked them up on a whim hoping that they might give me a little added inspiration for next year – I have to say the Ultra Fit cover models body is amazing – I’d love more defined abs! I’ve only had a quick flick through them but I was very impressed. Have you read Yoga Magazine or Ultra Fit? If so what did you think?

Mid morning I headed to the gym for a 1 hour HIIT session on the treadmill, bike, step machine and cross trainer. I was really chuffed with the 20 minutes I spent on the treadmill, I increased my hard interval from 30 seconds to 1 minute for a few repeats and felt great for the whole workout. I finished off with some abs exercises.

Lunch was 6 oatcakes, 3 with garlic cheese and 3 with light cream cheese and chilli jam (nom!) plus some carrot sticks, marinated olives and 2 juicy plums:


I spent the afternoon clearing out my wardrobe of old clothes that no longer fit, sorting through my make up bag and washing my make up brushes. I had a bit of time so I thought I would have a run through of the Y Body Plan DVD which I had kindly been sent to review. I need to run through it a few more times before I do a full review but my first impressions were very good.

After my workout I snacked on half a tub of Rachel’s Organic Cherry Greek Yoghurt.


Dinner was fab - I had some spinach, rocket, watercress and carrot with Cauldron Moroccan Falafels, hummus and olives:


I love falafel and should really make it myself more often. For dessert I made up some extra indulgent cookies and cream protein ice cream with Spiru-tein cookies and cream protein powder, soy milk, lots of ice, 3 big scoops of tofutti vanilla ‘ice cream’, guar and xanthan gums then topped my bowl with my 2 of my fave oreo cookies:


Delish! I’m now happily stuffed :-)

I’m getting so excited for the New Year! What’s your plans for seeing in 2011? I’m meeting James when he finishes work and we are meeting some friends for drinks before going out for some food then coming home to watch movies with a bottle of wine.

I’m just so ready for the New Year to start – tomorrow I’m going to post all my goals for 2011, I can’t wait to get stuck in!


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