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Feeling Poorly

Well I have not had a very good 24hrs blog friends, it seems that I have picked up some tummy bug. I didn't get a wink of sleep last night I just felt so ill. I spent most of the night lying on the bathroom floor desperately trying to get some sleep. So I've taken a sick day and a rest day from exercise (except a bit of gentle yoga) to try and pull myself together. I hate being ill, I hate missing work through illness and I hate missing a workout! Ok, I'll try not to make this post too whiney from now!

When I eventually felt able to eat something there was only one thing on my mind - a green monster in a bowl (spinach, frozen banana, coconut milk, maca powder) topped with a few grape nuts for crunch.

I ate this very slowly, and luckily my poor tummy didn't mind it.

I then spent most of the morning in bed trying to sleep (which I couldn't) and trying to drink as much water as possible to rehydrate myself and try and shift my crazy headache (which I also couldn't). Eventually I decided to just get up, get showered and try and pull myself together. I ate some gala melon mid morning.

Then for lunch I decided to eat something a bit bigger, so I tried half a baked sweet potato with some home made salsa (I'll post the recipe tomorrow as this was quite yummy) and some red kidney beans.

I wanted to try and stretch my muscles a little and get the blood moving round my body a bit so I did 15 mins of Yoga Stretch from Davina's total fit DVD. This really made me feel better for a few hours.

Mid afternoon I had a chopped apple with greek yoghurt with agave and some Bear Apple Crunch Granola Nibbles.

I thought I should try and eat something for Dinner as well so I made a small an omlette with 1 egg and 1 egg white, some red onion, courgette and organic mature cheddar cheese with a small side salad of cos lettuce, cucumber and carrot.

I'm also planning on eating this bowl of Mint Chocolate Tofu Pudding a bit later. I would have to be really ill to not want to eat this!

Drinks - water, green tea, decaf tea

How do you deal with things when you're poorly? Do you have a 'go to' meal that always makes you feel better? I used to be a dry toast girl before I was aware of green monsters. At least with green monsters your getting plenty of vitamins into your system. I'm also the kind of person that avoids taking pills and tablets unless I'm really bad. I ended up trying Rennies and Windeez last night and I really don't think they did me any favours at all. I've also just popped a couple of Nurofen to try and help with my headache.

So I'm not going to hang about tonight, I'm still trying to catch up with Lost then its straight off to bed, I just hope I can get some sleep! Catch you tomorrow x


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