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Feeling creative

Hi blog friends, can’t believe another weekend is almost done and dusted. Luckily I have the rest of the week off to be getting on with the re fresh of my lovely little flat. The hubby is coming down with the man flu so I’ve been trying to look out for him as well as going to the shops to get paint and what not.

Breakie was divine – a big fruit salad with kiwi, strawberries, melon, blueberries and a little chopped mint topped with two tablespoons of quark cheese and some honey.


This was gorgeous but didn’t keep me full that long, I snacked on an un-pictured satsuma at my parents and was starving for my lunch by the time I got home. I made myself an omelette with 1 egg and 2 egg whites filled with 2 sliced babybel light, red onion and spinach and served with kallo rosemary crackers and a bowl of kale chips.


I’ve tried making kale chips before but I usually fail and they end up burned or still soggy, this time I got them right and they were delicious. I also had some melon and blueberries.


Mid afternoon I snacked on some hummus topped with oak smoked chilli, pepper and paprika (one of the days purchases!) and cucumber and carrot for dipping.


The chilli added a lovely hot and spicy dimension to the hummus, really tasty.

For dinner I just had a bowl of courgette and watercress soup.


For desert I wizzed up some frozen mixed berries, soymilk, cinnamon and almond butter into a thick ice cream like smoothie and topped with flaked almonds and more cinnamon, oh so good!


I also had my usual apple.


I picked up some excellent stuff for the flat today while out shopping as well as a couple of treats for me! It was 15% off everything at Homebase so I got a few bits and pieces along with my paint (you’ll have to wait till next week to see what I got!) I also had a look in TK Maxx, my word they had some great home stuff in there, completely random, but great none the less. I had to really restrain myself, I could have spent a fortune! I did end up treating myself to these few foodie items:


Jamie Oliver Oak Smoked Chilli and Paprika Grinder, 100% cacao powder and Hazelnut and Cinnamon Coffee. I know I don’t often drink caffeinated coffee, but when I do I want it to be something special and this stuff is lush! I’m looking forward to trying the cacao powder in porridge and smoothies.

I’ve had quite a creative day as well, I’ve started painting my canvas for the kitchen and I’ve even done some sketching in my scrap book. Anyone else enjoy drawing and painting?

I’d also like to say a big hello to any new blog readers as I’ve noticed I have a few extra followers which is just wonderful. I also have a new email address if anyone would like to contact me directly – keepingslimgettingstylish@gmail.com if you have emailed me in the last couple of days and I haven’t responded can you please re send your email as I accidentally deleted some!

Hope you have all had a brilliant weekend!


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