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A Day of Firsts

I was up with the larks this morning for my regular Saturday distance run. I fueled up with a 9 Bar Nutty and a cup of green tea.

I love 9 Bars but have only tried the original variety. This nutty one was lovely as well. It made perfect pre workout fuel.

Then I set off for my run. There was a really strong wind blowing and I found the first mile really tough. I did set off on the run with the idea of following Laura's plan which is a warm up mile, then fast, then one at pace, then a slow etc, but after the first mile I just wanted to do the distance as best I could. I actually ended up doing my best run yet! The wind was still really strong but my times turned out very good (for me): I did 10.06 miles in 1hr 35
So this is the first time I've ran into double figures! I felt wonderful when I got home, can't believe that only a couple of months ago the most I could do was 3 miles! I made myself a recovery smoothie inspired by a recipe I'd seen on JAG's blog in the comments for her magic bullet giveaway. I blended some skimmed milk with a scoop of vanilla whey, a teaspoon of instant decaf coffee and four ice cubes to make a frappuccino style drink.

This was delicious and perfect for post workout! I stretched and had a hot and cold shower then headed to the shops for my groceries. I usually go on a Sunday but as the hubby is off tomorrow I thought I'd get it out of the way today.

Once I got home I did a bit of half arsed cleaning and tidying up before making a huge bowl of slow cooked porridge. I used some jumbo oats, quinoa flakes and regular oats and slow cooked on the hob (I never cooked my porridge on the hob, I usually do my porridge in the microwave so this is another first) in water until it was thick and creamy. I added a chopped apple, cinnamon and maca powder plus a big spoonful of hazelnut nut butter.

Just what I needed to re fuel after my epic run! I also had a mug of tea pigs mao feng green tea.

I spend the rest of the day being very self indulgent lying on the sofa reading the Saturday papers and some magazines - total relaxation. I even treated myself to a bath in the middle of the day, it was great!

Later in the afternoon I had a bowl of Lentil and Spinach Soup followed by two oranges.

My best friend Charlie called round in the late afternoon with her little girl Hannah and we had a good chat over a nice cuppa.

For dinner I decided to make a veggie filled omelette with 1 egg and 2 egg whites, half a courgette, half a red pepper, half a red onion and a few mushrooms plus some edam cheese. I fried off the veggies in some oil with a little garlic then added the eggs and topped with the grated edam. I served it with some steamed asparagus dressed in a little garlic olive oil.

This was delicious, so fresh tasting! It would have tasted much better with goats cheese instead of edam though. It was also the first time I've ever eaten asparagus and cooked it for myself, I thought I would try some as British asparagus is in season. It was lovely, I'll definitely be eating it more often from now on.

I also have this bowl of heaven sitting in the freezer waiting to be devoured later tonight: softserve made with a blended frozen banana, frozen strawberries, fresh strawberries, vanilla rice milk and cocoa powder.


Drinks - water, green tea, decaf tea

Congratulations to the winners of my first ever GIVEAWAY, TOTkat, Moo and Michelle. Well I'm going to shoot off, that softserve is calling my name and we have loads of TV on the Sky Player to catch up on. I hope you've all had a great day! x


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