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November review and giveaway winners!

Thanks to everyone who entered my giveaway! I really enjoyed reading all of your favourite porridge toppings and I can’t wait to try some of them out. Here are the winners:screen7

Emma, Jessica, Tam, Olivia, Becky and Roz. Congratulations everyone! Please email me at keepingslimgettingstylish@gmail.com with your address and I’ll post your sample packs of Rude Health Fruity Date Porridge straight out!

I’ve had another lovely chilled out time today. The hubby was working so I decided to walk to the gym in the snow. It was beautiful but unbelievably cold, even though I was dressed like a yeti. Before I left I ate an orange and some Bear strawberry fruit yoyo’s along with my every day mug of warm water and lemon juice.


At the gym I ran 3 miles of speed intervals then 2 miles at a steady speed and the last mile as fast as I could (total 6 miles). I didn’t hang about to do anymore cardio as I knew the walk in the snow would be tiring enough! From the gym I walked to the little out of town shopping centre near me and picked up some groceries, more Christmas gifts, and a couple of thick jumpers and a fair isle hat and scarf for me. The jumpers aren’t anything special – just practical, i.e. warm! I’ve recently realised I have very few warm clothes. The hat and scarf set is lovely – I’m sure they will be featuring in my next outfit of the day! The lovely Cait commented on my last post that I maybe a ‘committed self gifter’ I couldn’t agree more! That’s the trouble with Christmas shopping, you always see things for yourself. Luckily I have a little budget for things I need, plus Christmas money from my parents :-)

By the time I got home it was lunch time and I was starving! I made a big bowl of the most delicious Cherry Almond Porridge – 1/2 cup of power porridge oat mix, 1/2 cup of vanilla rice milk, 1/2 cup of water, 4 tablespoons of liquid egg whites, 1 teaspoon of brown rice syrup, 1 teaspoon of natural almond flavour, defrosted dark cherries and flaked almonds.

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Am-az-ing. I also made a big pot of Amaretto tea which I had with some agave to sweeten and vanilla rice milk. Lush.

I spent the afternoon roasting up sugar pumpkin from my veg box and cooking up pearl barley for my ‘grain of the week’ – I have some really lovely ideas for healthy and tasty recipes with these two so check out next weeks posts! I also made a pot of Carrot, Ginger and Orange Soup – recipe to be shared later in the week too!

Mid afternoon I had a bowl of French Onion Soup (which had been in the freezer) along with two small sliced pears with cinnamon and ginger.


For dinner I had a Roast Root Veg Sunflower Seed Pattie with steamed greens and black kale, raw carrot sticks and ketchup and a little soy sauce.

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I’d made the pattie by blending up my roast sweet potato, parsnip, beetroot and red onion from Friday nights roasted root veg with feta in my food processor then added some sunflower seeds and shaped the mixture into patties. I refrigerated the pattie so it would firm up then fried in coconut oil on both sides till browned and warmed through. It was really tasty, the coconut oil gave it a nice added flavour as well.

Desert was two chopped apples and some Green and Blacks 70% dark chocolate:


November review and December plans

As this is the last Sunday in the month, although not yet Dec, I’m going to do my monthly review.

This month I have:

  • Kept up with my weekly spinning and yoga classes
  • Ran 15k each week (split between a 5k during the week and 10k on a weekend) – even when I really wasn’t feeling it!
  • Lost 3lbs and half an inch off my hips
  • Changed up my HIIT sessions and increased the resistance levels on all gym equipment
  • Included more whole grains in my diet by having a ‘grain of the week’. I’ve continued with my new vegetarian diet and have had quite a few days when I have eaten vegan
  • Signed up for next years Great North Run!

Just like October and September I have continued to lose weight without really trying and without weight loss being a goal. Since September I’ve lost a whopping 12lbs! I have found that my binges have been under control and I’ve been able to eat more mindfully which combined with the new vegetarian diet could be why I’m continuing to lose weight. I know that I’ll gain a few pounds over Christmas so I’m happy that I have some wiggle room! I’m also finding that monthly rather than weekly weigh ins are much better although I have had a couple of sneaky weigh ins when I feel I’ve over eaten to see if I’ve gained. This needs to stop as it really doesn’t help me on my quest for finding some balance and being able to maintain a healthy weight. I’ve also gained half an inch on my waist but I think this may be down to a bit of bloating.

I’m also very happy that I’ve managed to stick with my running goals even when I really wasn’t up for it. I’m very happy with what I have achieved this month!

Decembers Goals

  • Enjoy the festive season!
  • Retain some healthy balance whilst still indulging
  • Continue with regular exercise

I would usually plan a monthly workout schedule but this month things are going to be busy so I’m going to plan out my workouts on a weekly basis instead. I’d still like to try and workout 6 days out of 7 apart from Christmas week, do some form of running (without setting myself any mileage targets or challenging myself to run outdoors) and get some strength training in. My yoga class has now finished until the New Year but I’d still like to try and fit some in at least once a week as well as some spinning classes. I think having a flexible approach for a change is going to be refreshing and will enable me to be ready for getting down to business come January. I’m also really looking forward to a bit of detoxing come January too.

Current stats:

  • Weight 9st 2lbs
  • Waist: 27.5 inches
  • Bust: 35.5 inches
  • Hips: 34 inches

What have you achieved this month? Do you have any goals for December?


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