A tasty delivery and my first mid week run
Well thankfully my snackies last night were sorted out by the protein shake, honestly I could have eaten my way through the entire kitchen! I find it quite interesting that when I feel snacky I always seem to go for dried fruit, nuts and muesli type stuff. When you feel snacky is there something that you always go for?
This morning I decided to have more of my home mixed muesli for breakfast. I bulked it up with jumbo oats to give it a bit more staying power and used skimmed cows milk rather than the rice milk for some added protein. I also had a chopped kiwi and an orange.
Mid morning I snacked on half a pot of cottage cheese with a big bunch of red grapes.
Lunch was a bowl of my delicious African Inspired Sweet Potato soup (see my recipes page for the recipe) which was incredibly filling, followed by an apple.
Before I left work I quickly snacked on a Berry Cheeky Nakd bar to give me some fuel for my run.
Since I am now offically in training for the Great North Run I have changed up my training plan to include a shorter mid week run in addition to my weekend distance run. Last week I did 5 very hilly miles so this week I wanted to try doing about 4 miles as fast as I could to get in some speed work. I choose a reasonably flat route, although theres no where particually flat around Durham :-( and a route where I wouldn't have to cross too many roads. As I was running during rush hour traffic I didn't want to have to stop for 10 seconds each time I needed to cross over. I started with the first mile at a warm up pace and then I decided to try and just go as fast as I could. I was exhausted and found it quite difficult but it was the first time in a while that I've ran on an afternoon rather than a morning so that might have been a factor. I did 4.86 miles in 43.28, heres my splits:
When I got home I decided to try out our new rowing machine for 10 mins. I was quite impressed with it! I then did 2 sets of my abs exercises and a bit of stretching.
Dinner was a big serving of chilli from my frozen stash served with a large pile of steamed brocolli, carrot and cauliflower to make sure the meal had plenty of bulk. Hopefully this will help me avoid any more snacking later!
I followed that with an experimental protein cake - I used vanilla instead of chocolate whey to see how that would turn out and then added a spoon of cashew butter on top. It was delicious as usual, so glad that I've started making these as there just so satisfying and filling!
Drinks - water, green tea, decaf coffee, decaf tea
Tomorrow I get to work from home! I love working from home as I get to focus so much better without distractions, I always get more done at home than at work, plus it means that I can structure my day to be more flexible, so tomorrow I'll still be up early for my DVD workout but then I'll be able to get my food shop done in the morning which will leave me free to crack on for pretty much the rest of the day until the hubby finishes work at 8. For the first time in a while I haven't planned my meals too strictly so when I go food shopping tomorrow I'm going to see what I fancy and see whats on special offer and go from there.
I was also really happy when I came home to a delivery of Nakd raisins and Cocoa Orange Nakd bars. I loved them so much when I was trying them out I decided to order a big stash from their website. I actually had a bit of an internet spending spree at the weekend which also included an order for some Bear Granola Nibbles I've seen all over blogs recently, and a couple of posters I'd like to frame for the flat - I'll post some pics up when they arrive.
Well I hope that everyone is having a great week!
I've noticed that I seem to be getting more visitors this week so if your new to my blog I really hope that you have found it an interesting read, and please don't be shy I really love receiving comments to my posts! x
This morning I decided to have more of my home mixed muesli for breakfast. I bulked it up with jumbo oats to give it a bit more staying power and used skimmed cows milk rather than the rice milk for some added protein. I also had a chopped kiwi and an orange.
Mid morning I snacked on half a pot of cottage cheese with a big bunch of red grapes.
Lunch was a bowl of my delicious African Inspired Sweet Potato soup (see my recipes page for the recipe) which was incredibly filling, followed by an apple.
Before I left work I quickly snacked on a Berry Cheeky Nakd bar to give me some fuel for my run.
Since I am now offically in training for the Great North Run I have changed up my training plan to include a shorter mid week run in addition to my weekend distance run. Last week I did 5 very hilly miles so this week I wanted to try doing about 4 miles as fast as I could to get in some speed work. I choose a reasonably flat route, although theres no where particually flat around Durham :-( and a route where I wouldn't have to cross too many roads. As I was running during rush hour traffic I didn't want to have to stop for 10 seconds each time I needed to cross over. I started with the first mile at a warm up pace and then I decided to try and just go as fast as I could. I was exhausted and found it quite difficult but it was the first time in a while that I've ran on an afternoon rather than a morning so that might have been a factor. I did 4.86 miles in 43.28, heres my splits:
When I got home I decided to try out our new rowing machine for 10 mins. I was quite impressed with it! I then did 2 sets of my abs exercises and a bit of stretching.
Dinner was a big serving of chilli from my frozen stash served with a large pile of steamed brocolli, carrot and cauliflower to make sure the meal had plenty of bulk. Hopefully this will help me avoid any more snacking later!
I followed that with an experimental protein cake - I used vanilla instead of chocolate whey to see how that would turn out and then added a spoon of cashew butter on top. It was delicious as usual, so glad that I've started making these as there just so satisfying and filling!
Drinks - water, green tea, decaf coffee, decaf tea
Tomorrow I get to work from home! I love working from home as I get to focus so much better without distractions, I always get more done at home than at work, plus it means that I can structure my day to be more flexible, so tomorrow I'll still be up early for my DVD workout but then I'll be able to get my food shop done in the morning which will leave me free to crack on for pretty much the rest of the day until the hubby finishes work at 8. For the first time in a while I haven't planned my meals too strictly so when I go food shopping tomorrow I'm going to see what I fancy and see whats on special offer and go from there.
I was also really happy when I came home to a delivery of Nakd raisins and Cocoa Orange Nakd bars. I loved them so much when I was trying them out I decided to order a big stash from their website. I actually had a bit of an internet spending spree at the weekend which also included an order for some Bear Granola Nibbles I've seen all over blogs recently, and a couple of posters I'd like to frame for the flat - I'll post some pics up when they arrive.
Well I hope that everyone is having a great week!
I've noticed that I seem to be getting more visitors this week so if your new to my blog I really hope that you have found it an interesting read, and please don't be shy I really love receiving comments to my posts! x
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