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My name is Laura and I'm a chocaholic

Hi everyone! Hope you have all had a good weekend. I've had a great one, just wish it wasn't Monday tomorrow...

Started the day with a fabulous breakfast as usual - Roasted Rhubarb and Orange with Strawberries, Fromage Frais and We Are Bear Apple Pie Granola.

 I had been inspired by a recipe in River Cottage Everyday for Roasted Rhubard - basically chopped rhubard roasted with orange juice and agave syrup. Unlike a compote the rhubard keeps it shape and texture better. This was delicious of course!
I did a quick grocery shop and snacked on a random unpictured carrot while putting the shopping away. Lunch was a slice of toasted rye bread with two scrambled eggs and spinach followed by two chopped apples with cinnamon and maca powder.

Before lunch I'd enjoyed a lovely bath with a cup of Tea Pigs Chilli Chai (my current favourite). It was bliss, I love having baths in the middle of the day for some reason! I also had a major de-cluttering session. I seem to have loads of crap all over the place and with us living in a 1 bed flat we simply can't afford to waste the space. I cleared out a cupboard of paperwork and books from my Masters Degree, it feels great to have a little bit more space!
Mid afternoon I wasn't hungry for my usual large snack so I just had a little oat and fruit bar.

Dinner was roast butternut squash with a turkey steak, steamed brocolli and steamed spring greens along with a little bit of gravy.

I had promised the hubby something that would resemble a proper Sunday dinner. He seemed happy enough!
After yesterdays amazing chocolate avocado pudding I wanted to do some experimenting. Something about the texture reminded me of the inside of a Feast Ice lolly. You know which ones I mean? They have the solid chocolate inside with chocolate ice cream and a nutty chocolate coating. This is what I came up with -
Frozen Chocolate Nut Avocado Cups (makes 4)

1 *ripe* avocado
2 heaped teaspoons of cocoa powder
3 tablespoons of agave syrup
3 tablespoons of walnuts
(this is the same recipe and measurements I used for the plain pudding yesterday - just omit the nuts)

Reserve a couple of the walnuts to top each cup then add the rest to a food processor and blitz until chopped. Put to one side. Add the avocado flesh to the processor along with the cocoa powder and agave and blend until smooth. Mix in the chopped nuts then spoon into muffin cases and top with half a walnut for decoration. Freeze for at least 2 hours before serving.

These are utterly amazing! There are no words to describe how gorgeous this tasted! Cold, dense chocolate nuttiness! Check out those walnuts in there, the texture was great as well and just like eating a feast bar (ok, if you close your eyes perhaps!) Unfortunatley the avocado didn't blend up all nice and smooth like yesterday's pudding. I think this comes down to the ripeness of the avocado, so be sure to use very ripe avocados to ensure a really smooth result. However, I wasn't too concerned for the cups as they have texture from the nuts being added anyway. As the avocado was only 50p and if you count the other ingredients as store cupboard ingredients thats less than 15p a frozen cup!
I had one of these with a couple of strawberries and 4 squares of the most gorgeous extra dark ginger chocolate.

God, I love chocolate...

Big Budget Challenge Update
This week as part of my money saving challenge I have:
  • Shopped at discount supermarket Lidl twice for fresh fruit and veggies on the cheap
  • Eaten in instead of dining out with my friend Helen
  • Received some free goodies from We Are Bear and Tea Pigs to review
  • To date I've only spent £10 of my £50 a month 'pocket money' - on flowers for my Mam last week
We have another two weeks of holiday time booked in, one week in July (we are going to stay with my Aunt and Uncle in Brighton) and one week in August. We had been planning to go away somewhere in August too, but we have decided to put most of what we had saved up for the time off into the Brighton week. This means that we can have a really good time and, more importantly, I can have a good shopping session! I built a week off from the Big Budget Challenge into my rules as I had already had some money put to one side for my trip to Brighton.

I really enjoyed getting rid of some rubbish earlier in my little mini de-clutter session. Do you have a de-cluttering session? How often? I'm going to try and make some money out of my de-cluttering if I finally master selling on ebay! I'm also nearly finished the blog re design, what do you think? Hope you have all had a fab weekend - catch you tomorrow!


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