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Things I'm Loving

I thought I'd better make it an early start this morning as I had loads I wanted to get done today, starting with my run. I had a hot water and lemon and this We Are Bear Peach Fruit Yoyo for a little bit of fuel before heading out. It was very tasty and reminded me of a sweet you would get in a mix up bag when you were a kid. Very retro!

I ran 5 miles and it was glorious! My knee is doing so well (I'm almost afraid to type that, I don't want to jinx it!) I did 5.03 miles in 49.04 with an average pace of 9.45, over a 10 second improvement since last week. It feels so good to be running again, bring on next weekend's 6 miles! I came home, stretched and used my wonderful foam roller then got to making breakfast.

I made a chocolate peanut butter smoothie (frozen banana, chocolate whey, teaspoon of cocoa powder, big tablespoon of smooth peanut butter and skim milk blended) then mixed in some oats and topped with a few grape nuts, cinnamon and a drizzle of maple syrup.

This was my 5 mile run celebration treat and it was oh so good!

I then spent the morning cleaning and tidying the flat, it was gross! Mid morning I snacked on an apple...

... then lunch was a tuna salad with mixed salad leaves, cucumber, red onion, sugar snap peas and balsamic dressing with a glass of fresh orange juice.

I also had a bowl of sweet strawberries.

I headed out to my best mates for a cuppa and a catch up and then on to my parents to say hi as well.

Mid afternoon I snacked on some veggies with salsa for dipping.

I had been planning on having a nakd bar or something but I'm proper craving veggies today!

For dinner I tried out my new spiralizer and made courgette 'pasta' with quorn mince in a tomato sauce with mushrooms, garlic and a side salad.

I'm over the moon with my spiralizer, I'm going to be using it for all sorts of things now!
Desert was something I've been dying to try out for ages - chocolate avocado pudding! I've never had avocado but I can safely say I'm now hooked. I had a try of it plain before making it into the pud and I'll definitely be using this in salads in the future. I used this recipe from Averie, but only used one avocado and didn't add the vanilla extract, to make it in to this beautiful bowl of chocolately heaven!

This tastes like, and has the texture of chocolate fudge cake icing, love it!

Other things I'm loving right now:

This cute necklace from Accessorize that I've had a while (don't worry I haven't been breaking my Big Budget Rules!) - I've been wearing it nearly everyday!

Flesh Tone by Kelis - I'm in love with this album at the moment and have been playing it constantly. Its also on my running playlist and really got me moving this morning!

Veggies - On my way home I popped into Lidl on the hunt for more bargains and picked up all these for £5.65

Mushrooms, brocolli, red, yellow and green peppers, red onion, spinach, italian salad, strawberries.

This Topshop make up cream blusher in Blush

My summer make up essential for making me look rosy!

...and Twitter!

I tend to fall in love with something - an album, song, piece of clothing, book or movie and then play, wear or watch it over and over! What are you loving right now?

- I'm still playing about with the design of the blog so the heading might change again! Should be sorted by Monday x


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