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3 things that make me happy

Happy weekend bloggers! I was very happy this morning for several reasons - 1) I got to have a lie in! 2) I had my weigh in and it was good news! 3) It was my rest day so no pressure to fit in a workout! Although I love a good workout I do really enjoy my rest day.

I was chuffed with my weigh in as I have lost the 3lbs I put on a couple of weeks ago. This puts me back at 10st 2lbs. I have been good with the snackies this week and have been avoiding too many carbs so it looks like things have finally evened out. I have to admit, that put me in a good mood for the rest of the day.

Breakfast was porridge made with vanilla rice milk topped with grape nuts, raisins and whole almonds.

After I'd had breakie I went off to do my big food shop. I got a load of lovely stuff to keep me going (for a few days at least!) - loads of fruit and veg, healthy dairy, store cupboard stuff and some lean chicken, beef and salmon, plus a couple of things I haven't tried before such as Pom Juice and beetroot.

I also picked up a couple of vests, a pair of joggy bottoms and a hoody that were on my wishlist. They were all good bargins, £3 for each vest and the joggies and £5 for the hoody. Not bad!

For a mid morning snack I had a lovely crunchy apple.

Lunch was a bowl of chilli bean soup and some red grapes.

I spent the rest of the day just chilling out, watching TV and reading old magazines. It was just what I needed after this tiring week! Mid afternoon I had an orange topped with greek yoghurt.

For dinner I decided to make me and J some homemade beef burgers made with lean mince, chopped onion, an egg and some spelt flour. I skipped on the bread bun and had two of the burgers with some sweet potato fries and roasted brocolli plus some onion fried in the pan after the burgers were done, topped with some tomato ketchup. It was delicious! The burgers tasted lovely and juicy, much better than the frozen crap you can get.

For desert I made some banana softserve by blending two frozen bananas in my food processor till soft and topping with some chocolate sauce made with agave syrup mixed with cocoa powder. Wow! This was amazing. I've blended bananas up then froze them with protein powder and other fruit before, but this was just so simple and so delicious. I can't wait to have it again!

Drinks - water, green tea, decaf tea, regular tea

I'm so glad the weekends here! I plan to visit friends and family, get a few good workouts in, do some cooking, have a look around town and hopefully find some time to chill! What plans do you have this weekend? Hope you have all had a good week! xxx


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