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Too Fat or Too Thin?

I'm not massively looking forward to this week as I have so much to do at work and I'll be racking up some serious over time as well as probably working some of Saturday to try and catch up! I had to be in work really early this morning too as I had a meeting to prepare for first thing. Getting out of bed at 6am was not fun! At least the sun was shining a bit and its a little warmer, spring is definitely on the way!

Breakfast was some homemade muesli which I'd put together last night to save time so all I needed to do was add some skimmed milk. It contained porridge oats, jumbo oats, quinoa flakes, puffed brown rice, ground flax, pecans, raisins and flaked almonds and I had a little glass of pressed apple juice with it as well.
For a mid morning snack I had a little pot of my slightly out of date cottage cheese (it tasted ok though!)
Lunch was an apple followed by a big tuna salad with spinach, cucumber, carrot, red onion and a little light mayo. I had to eat it slightly earlier than planned as I had started to feel faint and sick. This used to happen to me quite often, luckily not much anymore but its still very unpleasant. I still can't pin point what causes it though.
Before I left work for the gym I had one of my homemade fuel bars, I love these so much, might make up a new batch at the weekend and experiment with some different ingredients!
Had a fantastic workout at the gym. I did my hour of cardio intervals followed by my three sets of abs exercises. For some reason I just seemed to be full of energy so I knocked up my speed on the treadmill for a few of the intervals from last weeks 6.6mph to 6.8mph, I also increased the resistance on the step machine from last week and added an extra intensive 30 seconds as part of my intervals on the bike. I increased the resistance up to level 18 and got up out of the seat and cycled for 30 seconds as part of the intensive minute. It was great, wish I knew what had got into me! I didn't have my iPod shuffle as the battery had died so I didn't have my usual gym mix to get me going, I had expected the workout to be harder because of that so its strange but I'm not complaining!

Dinner was two homemade bean burgers (I was feeling hungry!) with a huge plate full of salad, spinach and cucumber topped off with some ketchup, lovely!
For desert I mixed up a bowl of chocolate whey protein with a little hazelnut and almond rice milk to make a goo and then added half a teaspoon of natural orange extract to make it chocolate orange flavoured. It tasted wonderful and reminded me of the flavour of orange smarties!

Drinks - water, green tea, decaf tea

During my lunch break web surf I came across this really interesting article from the Guardian website about obesity, food addictions and fat, sugar and salt and how it is used by food corporations. Its a bit of a long winded article but its well worth a read. It discusses how processed food affects our bodies and brains and leads to cravings and addictions almost like a drug, scary stuff really. Then on the same Guardian website was another article about models being too thin. What a crazy messed up world we live in, were all either too thin or too fat! I prefer to try and ignore most of what we are bombarded with in terms of body image by the media. I do still read and enjoy magazines like Elle (cause I'm a shopping and fashion addict!), but I make an effort not to let myself get affected my the extremely skinny models in their shoots. It may be that these models are naturally skinny but its the unbalanced approach of the media that gets me, why can't they have models of all physiques in their magazines? That would appeal much more to me than endless pages of skinny teenagers. Now I try and focus on what is healthy for me and being able to maintain that, rather than size alone. What are your thoughts on this?

Hope everyones had a good Monday xxx


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