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Young (green smoothie) Love

Oh what a week it has been! It kicked off with a busy day of working from home, then on Tuesday I delivered my first healthy eating workshop with young people and the rest of the week has been filled with work, meetings and workouts!

Love cheap veggies!

I did find some time to get to the green grocers to fill the fridge on the cheap. I got some great bargains from the reduced bins again – aubergine, red pepper, cauliflower, cucumber and a bag of brazil nuts. I also got two big boxes of strawberries for 99p each, a huge bag of pak choy, apples, ginger and some purple sprouting broccoli. I have some big plans for all of that this weekend so watch this space!

Eats this week have yet again been of the ‘use it up’ variety until payday gets here. With working a couple of later nights I’ve been making very simple meals, including the ultimate lazy late nighter (other than cereal I guess) porridge!

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I had a bowl with mixed berries and peanut flour after the youth club, very tasty! I also had some porridge for breakfast yesterday:

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I decided to treat myself and add a sachet of Dark Chocolate Dreams Peanut Butter along with a mashed banana and some freeze dried berries. This was insanely good!

Last night after yoga I made a random meal out of things that needed using up – spinach, a baked sweet potato and some of my tofu cottage cheese mixed with the last of my Zest pesto:

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Sorry for the rubbish pic but this was so good! I’ll definitely be mixing pesto and tofu together again! I had the other serving of tofu cottage cheese as a snack with an apple and raisins:

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I had the apple and raisin combo again for breakfast with leftover cooked rice and wheatberries and raw almond sunflower seed milk mixed with vanilla sun warrior and cinnamon:

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I’ve really been enjoying eating leftover cooked grains for breakfast.

Yesterday I had the most delicious salad. I’d made a similar version a few weeks ago but this time I added some chickpeas:

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It contained:

  • cos lettuce
  • cucumber
  • half an avocado
  • chickpeas
  • dried cherries
  • my raw tamari ‘roasted’ almonds
  • balsamic vinegar

It was the best salad I’ve had for a long time and boy did it fill me up! I love the mix of the creamy avocado with the sweet cherries and salty almonds.

Of course there has also been some tasty green smoothies:

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This was my strawberry and peanut butter smoothie but made a bit more substantial by using a scoop of good hemp strawberry fit shake in the smoothie itself and adding the peanut flour as a sauce on top, yum! Today I had another smoothie with spinach, mixed frozen berries, chocolate sun warrior, maca, ground flax, water and ice topped with lots of muesli:

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Check out the giant brazils and hazelnuts! There was a lot more muesli added to this :-)

Workouts this week:

  • Saturday – REST
  • Sunday – approx 5.5 mile run (continuing without the garmin at the moment)
  • Monday – AM 5 min cross trainer warm up, strength workout B from Dial it in phase of Female Body Breakthrough, 10 min HIIT step machine, 10 min HIIT bike
  • Tuesday – Pop Pilates Total Body Bangin’ Workout from You Tube and Yoga for Runners podcast
  • Wednesday – AM 5 min cross trainer warm up, strength workout A from Dial it in phase of Female Body Breakthrough, 10 min HIIT step machine, 10 min HIIT bike
  • Thursday – PM yoga class 1hr 15 
  • Friday – AM 5 min cross trainer warm up, strength workout B from Dial it in phase of Female Body Breakthrough, 10 min HIIT step machine, 10 min HIIT bike

I had been planning a short and relaxed run on Tuesday morning but the weather had other ideas! Unfortunately since my youth club is on a Tuesday evening I won’t be doing Body Pump or my other yoga class for a while so I’m going to play that day as a bit of an ‘anything goes’ day again and see what I can do on a morning.

On the weekend send off love list this week…

Most of the green smoothies had been drank by this point!

I delivered my first healthy eating workout with young people and it was brilliant! I worked with a group of boys aged 10 – 12. I didn’t know the group, or what facilities the kitchen had other than smoothie makers so smoothies it was. I bought some strawberries, bananas, mango, plain natural yoghurt, peanut butter, cocoa powder, apple juice and spinach. We also had some orange juice, tinned pineapple and peaches to use up. I started them off with a chocolate banana smoothie followed by a strawberry and peanut butter smoothie. After that I encouraged them to make their own recipes – with varying success! Finally I thought I’d see how far I could push it and make them a green smoothie! I made one with spinach, banana and orange juice and another with spinach, pineapple and mango. They surprised me by liking the green smoothies the most! Even the young people from the other groups and the parents at the end enjoyed the green smoothies, it was wonderful. Seeing them all drinking their green smoothies made me so happy, I just can’t explain it. I’m more determined than ever to find a way of being able to do this for a living! Also…

Finishing my End of Grant report for the project I’ve managed for the last 4 years // feeling excited about the future now said project is finished! // listening to mixes on 8tracks while I worked from home // painting my toe nails for the first time in weeks // Madonna’s MDNA on repeat in the car

How has your week been? What are you loving this week?

Hope you have a great weekend!


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